Chapter 5

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Third Person POV
The boys all stayed up a bit later so they could finish getting work done around the house. They each had their own duties assigned to them: Niall doing the dishes, Harry and Zayn folding the laundry, Louis sweeping and Liam dusting/organizing. They all worked quietly while Cadence was sleeping, but they kept the baby monitors on to ensure she was safe at all times.

After Louis finished his sweeping, it was 10:30 or so, and he was drained from the day's events. He went to wherever Harry was and knocked on the frame of the door, poking his head in the living room.

Harry looked up from the pile of folded laundry sitting in front of him. "Hey, babe. What's up?" He smiled at his boyfriend, flashing his dimples.

Louis softly grinned at the beautiful, young adult and rubbed the sleeve of his hoodie like a shy kid. "I'm going to have a smoke outside then go to bed, because I'm extremely knackered."

"Okay, Boo-Bear. I think I'm nearly done. I'll probably take a hot shower, then I'll be in bed with you. Love you," Harry responded and kissed Louis on the lips.

Louis kissed backed before grabbing his jumper and heading outside to the back porch. Everyone else had already resigned to their bedrooms.

After another 15 minutes or so, Harry finally finished folding his share of the laundry. It only took him so long, because he finished an episode of Friends while working.

He looked over at the baby monitor and smiled at how cutely Cadence was sleeping. She did have her baby blanket covering half of her face, which the boys don't like it when she does that, but they finally have learned to accept it.

Harry quietly went upstairs, careful not to wake Cadence and the other boys, and went into his and Louis's bedroom. He noticed Louis wasn't in the bedroom; he assumed Louis was still outside.

Harry chucked his Chelsea boots off then his shirt. He went to the bathroom, cracking the door behind him. As he showered, he hummed the melody of Midnight Memories. Once he thoroughly rinsed off and shaved, he got out of the shower. He dried off then got dressed in boxers and shorts.

He finished brushing his teeth then walked out of the bathroom to see Louis already in bed and fast asleep with his head curled up in his pillow and snuggled in the sheets.

"Why is he so beautiful?" Harry whispered in awe and carefully got into the bed and pulled the covers over him and Louis, spooning him. He adjusted the baby monitor on the nightstand, so it was visible to them.

It was about two hours or later, Cadence woke up crying and screaming. This aroused Harry and Louis. "What on fookin Earth could be her fookin problem?" Louis groaned, but it was only because he was in the middle of sleeping off a hangover.

"I've got her, babe. I can handle it," Harry stated to Louis, climbing out of the bed. He thought at least one of the other boys were also awake from Cadence's continued crying.

"Are you sure? What if she wants two of us to comfort her?" Louis asked groggy, rubbing his eyes and looking up at him.

"Then I'll come get you. Don't worry," Harry pecked him on the lips and quickly stood up and dashed out of the room. He saw Liam, who looked like a zombie, coming out of his bedroom.

"Hey mate," Liam said half-asleep and rubbing his head, as he too was tired as hell.

"You look tired as fuck, lad. Get some sleep. I can handle baby Cade," Harry patted Liam on the shoulder.

"Okay. Just if it gets bad, then come get one of us, please," Liam responded before returning to his room and closing the door behind him.

Harry rushed into Cadence's nursery. He didn't hesitate to come over to the crib and pick up the crying girl. "Shhh. Shh. It's okay, love. You're okay," he rocked her, attempting to hush her. "What's the matter?" He whispered.

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