93 Days After, 275 Days Until

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My mom and sister had been with me for a little over an hour. We decided on having a brunch today because we "Never hang out anymore" according to Madre.

They were over for Riley's pre-birthday mini party, where I'm pretty sure they spoiled her more than I did.

We were sat outside as of now, eating the food mom made and brought. It did feel nice to sit with my family and not have many worries.

"How's Sam?" Mom asked.

"Good. Her and Riley are in New York for another two days."

"You must be lonely." Alba laughed.

"Shut up. At least I have a love life."

"Okay, girls. I've been thinking about—"

All of our attention turned to the banging happening on my front door. We could hear it from outside. It was frantic.

"I swear if it's Jenni again, I will be having a talk with that young lady." Madre hadn't ever been a fan of Jenni outside of football. Neither had Alba.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry." I pushed my chair back and stood. I was so thankful I was off crutches. Nala followed me inside and through to the front door. The banging hasn't stopped. I opened it, "I swear—Sam! What are you—"

"I need you." She fell into my arms, sobbing.

"Bonita, what's going on? Where's Riley? I thought you were supposed to be in New York for another few days."

"Jameson took her. He wants custody—I—Ale, I don't know what to do."

"Okay, let's calm down and talk. Think this through." I didn't know what happened or even how we made it to the bedroom, but we were here, sitting down on the bed we'd been sharing. "What's going on? Why is Riley still there?"

"Jameson knows and he doesn't want Riley around it. Around us. He doesn't—He wants custody now. He's going to get in contact with his lawyer. He wouldn't let her go with me and I'm not going to argue with him in front of her. I can't do that. I won't."

"Okay, okay." I pulled Sam into me. I knew what she was saying. She was distraught over this. "We're going to figure this out."

"He said he'd go back to sharing custody again if I broke up with you. I love you and—"

"Sam," I held her face in my hands.

"You can't say it's going to be okay—"

"I'm not." I placed a kiss on her forehead. "You have to get Riley back, and if that means we...we have to stop seeing each other for a while for that to happen then—"

"You're giving up?"

"No," I laughed out a sob. "We put Riley first, sí?" She nodded. "Then even though it hurts and even though I don't want to, I have to. We have to."


"I love you, Sam. So much. And because I love you, I need to let you go and give your daughter the best—most amazing life you can...but without me in the picture."

"I'm so sorry."

"Hey," I laid my forehead against hers. "None of this is on you, mi amor. Maybe one day, things will go back to how they were. Maybe one day, our perfect bubble won't pop."

"I love you." She pressed her lips to mine. "I love you."

"I love you."

We sat like that for a while. I held her as she held me. I knew my mother and sister were most likely wondering where I was, but if this was my last chance to hold the only person I thought I'd ever love like this, I'd take it.

I eventually walked Sam to the door and past my family. Both of us were in visible tears. I stepped outside and leaned back against the door.

I looked at her before saying anything. I had to take her in one last time. Her green eyes were bright from the tears that had escaped them, yet they were still so beautiful. They still held a lifetime of stories.

I took a step towards her and wrapped my arms around her one last time. Then I hugged her and told her I loved one again. She promised me she'd get Riley back so we could all be together again. I told her I loved her one last time.

Then she was gone.

Perfection ceased to exist anymore.


AN: I kept this one short on purpose. The next 2/3 might be a little shorter, but eh. Deal.

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Icebreaker: What's everyone's favorite color?
Arsenal red baby!

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edit: I forgot to title the chapter...lol

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