43 Days Before, 453 Days Until

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I had been home, home for a few days, and I had finally been able to relax some. I picked up Nala from my mother's house yesterday, and I decided on taking her out today.

I wasn't exactly sure on where I would walk her, but I put her on a leash and began to walk down the street.

I hadn't been back to training yet. We actually hadn't even had a training session yet. But I was definitely glad to get out of the house for a while. I was over the socialization that came with football, but Nala needed a walk, and I was going to deliver.

I sat in deep thought while we walked down the streets of Barcelona. I still wasn't over the loss we had to come to terms with two days ago, but I didn't want to be over the loss yet.

I wasn't ready to come to terms with the fact I hadn't played the perfect game. I hadn't been the perfect player out on the pitch. I wasn't able to deliver the game I was meant to.

As Nala and I neared the park, she began to bark. Nala wasn't much of a barker, and I was honestly surprised she grabbed my attention like she did. I brought my head up though my hands stayed in the pockets of my jeans.

A woman and a child were walking our way. I recognized them. The woman more specifically. Her deep brown hair and her tired eyes almost made her stand out anywhere she went.

There was something about her. Something I couldn't figure out. Something that made her intriguing and yet, I couldn't figure it out. I couldn't figure out. The little girl that held her hand looked like her twin...just smaller.

The little girl tugged at her hand, causing her mother to look down at her. She pointed to an ice cream stand. I watched as the mother's face panicked slightly, but she still smiled.

She didn't have money.

That was the look my own mother gave me and my sister when we were younger. The look that said, "Next time."

Next time came, but next time it wasn't as special. I understood the look Sam gave her daughter, just as much as I understood the sad nod her daughter gave her in return.

I was about to do something impulsive.

Something Alexia last year—last month—wouldn't do. I walked right up to them, seeming as though I was on a mission.

"Perdón," I started. "Sam. ¿Verdad?"

"Sí." She looked confused and to be honest, so was I.

Words seemed to be stuck in her throat. Spanish was not her first language, and it was obvious. Extremely obvious.

"I uh," I hadn't ever stuttered until this moment. "I wanted to apologize for—about my friends the other day. They weren't fair and they shouldn't have been—"

"It's okay," She smiled. "I'm used to it. Don't waste a breath on apologizing."

I nodded. "Yes, okay. Can I apologize then?"

"You didn't do anything."

"No, but—" I didn't really know what to apologize for. My friends were rude when they were holding back their laughter the other day. "Your daughter?" I nodded to the little girl who was petting my little dog. The two seemed to be in their own happy and content world.

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