222 Days After, 160 Days Until

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Sam: Are you almost here? We're about to start.

Alexia: About to walk in. People know I'm here, so I have to weave through the new reporters, Bonita.

Sam: Just get in here safely.

Within a few moments of my sending that text, the doors of the court room opened, revealing my girlfriend and some of her security.

She was smart to bring them.

Alexia came to the front where she hugged me. I hadn't seen her in four days. She'd been in France for the Ballon D'Or and as much as I wanted to go, I had to be in New York for Riley.

It was a no-brainer for me to be here.

"Congratulations," I pecked her lips. "You deserve the award."

"Gracias." She smiled. "Let's get our girl home, sí? Then we can celebrate together."


Alexia gently squeezed my hips. Jameson sat across the room, but his eyes never left me or my girlfriend. I kissed Alexia once more before the court session started.

We were first. My lawyer presented the case, the facts, the evidence. Told the judge why I was a good mother. One that could take care of her child.

I'd been pretty much solely taking care of Riley her entire life. Jameson would pop in for a visit and he was a good father. The court saw it. He did the right things for her, but then he had to go and deem me an unfit mother due to who I fell in love with.

I went up to testify on my own behalf. I couldn't live without Riley. She was my heart. She was the reason I breathed. The reason I lived. I did everything for her benefit. If I had to go a day or two without a meal because it meant I fed her, I fed her. She wanted a toy that I couldn't buy just yet? I promised to buy it the second I could afford it.

I was a good mother.

Jameson went. He told the reasons as to why he were a good father. He was a good father. I never doubted that. He loved her. He loved me (to an extent). He wanted the best for her. He did the right things. I did the right things.

But then he brought Alexia into it. Saying she were corrupting Riley. I laughed. I did. I, honest to God, had no idea he had it in him to lie under oath, but we all surprise each other.

I went up to testify again. I were asked about Alexia.

"Who is she to you?"

"My girlfriend."

"Who is she to Riley?"

"That's up to Riley. The two of them are attached at the hip. I can say that."

"Tell me about it. The dynamic in the household."

"Well," I clasped my hands together under the desk. "There's always something funny happening. Whether it be by cooking, watching movies, playing football—soccer, whatever. Alexia always finds a way to make Riley smile. She loves to watch the movie Tangled, and one day, I had come home late from my shift to them cuddled up on the couch. The movie was on, a little over halfway through, and both were asleep. Alexia had her arms wrapped around Riley. I took Riley to bed then helped Alexia get up to our own. She said to me, 'I love that little girl.' So, you asked me about our dynamic...the dynamic, if you call it one, is loving."

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