205 Days After, 163 Days Until

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A single, white, silk sheet covered half of Alexia's bare back as she laid next to me. Ieyed the tattoos that were on her back. All of them had meaning. I just wasn'tsure the meaning of all of them. She were still sound asleep, and I didn't blame her. I don't think either of us fell asleep until a little after three.

We spent a lot of that time talking and laughing as though time hadn't been taken from us. We spent a lot of time getting...reacquainted with each other. I want to say I forgot how much I'd missed her, but I never forgot. I remembered every single touch she gave me before we had broken up, and the sparks had reignited into flames last night.

She picked me up, whispering, "I've got you." a phrase I'd come to love being said in my ear. And she did have me the entire night. I held onto her as she did me.

I leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. I got out of bed and found a sweatshirt of hers and a pair of her Spanish shorts she'd left on the floor. The only imperfection in her room.

I walked downstairs and found Nala curled up on the couch. I called for her and let her outside, knowing she would rather be outside in the morning sun than inside.

I was hungry and I knew with no doubt, Ale would be hungry too. Did she still have pancakes? I opened her pantry, loving that I could just walk inside and explore.

She still had pancake mix, so I thought I could make use of that. I told her Google to play some soft music. It was mostly quiet besides the music. I ended up letting Nala while I was working on food and I fed her in the spare minutes.

My was face towards the pan with mix in it, and I was about to flip the cooked side over, so the raw side could cook when hands gently grabbed my hips. Her breath tickled my neck before she placed a single kiss down.

"Buenos días."

"Hi," I smiled, leaning into her.

"Breakfast?" I hummed. "Smells good, mi amor. And I'm starving." She let go of me, but reached into the cabinet above and grabbed a glass. "Sam," she said my name as she poured herself water. "last night was..."

"Amazing." I finished her sentence.

"Sam, I want to help you get Riley back. He took her for a stupid reason. I thought you said this asshole was your friend."

"He was. Not anymore. And what can you do, Ale?" I sighed.

"I—I don't know, but I'd like to try. Do you have a lawyer? A good lawyer? I have one. I know lawyers."

"I'm not going to make you pay your lawyer to help me."

"Why not?" She set her glass down and walked over to me. "Sam," she grabbed my hands, "I love you. I love Riley. I want us—the three of us—to be a family, and if that means spending every last drop of my money, I'll do it."

I turned the burner off and walked into Alexia's arms. "All I want is my daughter back home. I want her home and happy."

"I'll call my lawyer, okay? We'll get her home." She kissed the top of my head. I looked up at her. She wasn't really that much taller than me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I connected our lips, feeling her smile into our kiss.

Alexia picked me up and sat me on the counter. Her lips went to my neck, placing some soft kisses, but then she connected her lips with the sensitive part of my neck.

I fiddled with the hem of her shirt and she lifted her arms, so I pulled the shirt up over her head. Alexia reattached our lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but I shut up the moment her fingers found themselves between my legs.

"No underwear this morning, Bonita?"

Her lips brushed against mine as she spoke. She trailed her lips down my chin, neck, and down to my chest. I put my hands in her now blonde hair and let out a moan as he placed these harsh kisses on my chest. Her hand was still between my legs, her fingers running circles.

"God, Sam—" Her voice was interrupted by one of our phones ringing. "Is this actually happening?" She laughed.

"It appears so." I tried to control my breathing as she reached behind me. "Who is it?"

"María. I don't want to but I have to." Alexia left her hand in its spot while she answered. "What do you want, Mapí? I'm...busy."

"¡¿Estás busy?! ¿Desde when estás, Alexia Putellas, busy?"

I understood some of what she said, but not all of it. I took it as sarcastic though when Alexia rolled her eyes. I started to lightly laugh, but my breath hitched and I let out a small moan when she pushed a finger in me.

"I am preoccupied with more important matters." She eyed me.

"Ya veo." Something else was said, but I was unsure as to what it was.

They talked for a few minutes. I couldn't be bothered to know or attempt to understand due to Alexia's fingers. God, they felt good.

"Adiós, Mapí." Alexia hung up and dropped her phone on the counter.

"What'd she want?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"She needs a ride to training tomorrow. Doesn't matter." She pulled her fingers out. "I need to call my lawyer."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Sí." She grabbed her phone and walked away. "I've got you later."


AN: Sorry, this is shorter. Next few days, maybe weeks (2ish) will be slow. Season is ending and I'm so emotionally exhausted that I'm not thinking straight. (No pun intended) And my body has taken an absolute beating. So, I may take a week or two to focus on the soccer season ending, write at my own pace, then give you all a few more chapters in one-two days.

Again, sorry.

Icebreaker: I need a player for the next book I'm thinking about.

You all are amazing human beings ❤️

As always, vote ⭐️


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