Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

"Do you think she'll ever wake up? It's been three days already." A female voice echoed in her head.

Clary scrunches her face, hearing other voices speak about her being the topic of interest. "You have to give her time. Demon poison is strong stuff, even for a Shadowhunter." A male voice said

"Good thing she's not a Mundie. They die awfully easily, don't they?" The female voice said.

"Isabelle, you know it's bad luck to talk about death in a sickroom." The male voice said pointedly.

Three days? Clary feels her thoughts formulate in her mind run out slow and thick as blood and honey. She had to wake up, though for some reason she couldn't. Is she having sleep paralysis?!

She has a as a leaf flowing down a current. She saw her mom resting in a hospital bed, bruised eyes on her white face. Luke standing atop a pile of bones. Jace...the Shadowhunter had white feathered wings sprouting from his back, Isabelle sitting naked with her whip curled around her like a net of gold rings, Simon with crosses burned into the palms of his hand. Angels falling and burning, all falling from the sky.

And then she saw her sister Mia sitting in a criss cross pose with her head casted down from her face being seen. She sat naked with meat hooks piercing her flesh. She is pale. Blood dripped onto the floor. Mia raises her head, her eyes carrying despair with the center of where the mythical Third Eye exist has a hole as if someone drilled into it, bleeding out fresh blood.


Clary snapped out of that nightmare with a loud gasp. She shot her upper body that came with pain for every part of her to the back of her neck ached. Her face drenched in sweat. She spun her head around to see where she is at. Thank god she had woken up. Almost as if her eyelids were sewed shut that prevented her from waking up. To break from those images, she could feel the sensation of skin tearing away to peel off her eyelids to open them up. She looks above her to see white puffy clouds and chubby angels with gilded ribbons trailing from their wrist.


Is this heaven?

She squeezed her eyes shut and opens them again to see it was just her imagination. It was an arched wooden ceiling, painted with a rococo motif of clouds and Puttos or Cherubs, whatever you wanna call em'.

"Ah good, you're awake." Clary saw to her side it was Izzy. The Lightwood gave Clary a friendly smile. "Just to let you know your sister went out to run an errand. She urged that she should stay in case you woke up, though I volunteered to keep watch as your sister could use some fresh air. Izzy if you don't remember me."

Clary swallowed hard, catching her breath. "No, I remember you. And Jace." She glances around to find she is tucked into a linen-sheeted be, one of a long row of similar beds with metal headboards. There is a small nightstand beside the bed with a white pitcher and cup on it. Lace curtains pulled across the windows, preventing light from entering. Clary can hear the faint sounds of New York traffic from outside.

Izzy beamed brightly "Your sister and Hodge will be pleased to see you are awake. Just to let you know we didn't think you would die in your sleep."

Clary turns to her, giving a face if Izzy was joking. She was perched on next to the bed. Her hair down in two thick brains falling past her waist. She wore a tight blue tank top, jeans, and a red pendant around her neck. Her Shadowhunter runes were visible on her skin as the day.

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