6. Scary Monsters and Not-So-Nice Sprites

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Sunday. My day off. Usually, because of class Monday-Friday, and work most Saturdays, the only day I ever got to myself was Sunday. After Jackson and I went back to my house, the thoughts of the looming Sunday were on my mind. Being a full time student and part-time EMT meant I very rarely had a day off. So the simple fact that I had a one-day-weekend was brilliant. 

Once Jackson and I returned to my house, I stripped off my sweaty and bloody uniform. In just my tank top and undies, I went down to the basement and threw my clothes in the washer. Then I returned to the bathroom for a shower. After I was convinced everything from work was no longer left behind on my skin, I got out, dried off and put on pajamas. This meant a pair of Jackson’s boxers that I had stolen from him and one of his old tee shirts. 

I found Jackson downstairs, in the living room, watching a movie. Sitting on the couch, I snuggled into his side. Like a reflex, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me to his chest. The movie played on quietly and I relaxed instantly. 

“What do you want to do, tomorrow?” he asked. 

I looked up at him. “That implies you’re staying the night.”

“Is that not allowed?” he teased. 

“I dunno….” I smiled back up at him. “You may end up groping me while I’m sleeping.”

Just to make a point, he moved his hands so they were resting on my ass. “Not while you’re sleeping.”

I kissed him once and returned to the original question. “We should… Go ice skating.”

It looked like he was considering my suggestion. Then, he nodded. “And what about the rest of tonight?”

I just shrugged. “I had an idea or two.”

“Oh, really?”


I maneuvered around so that I could fall back onto the couch and pull him down on top of me. 

“I think I like this idea,” he said.


I woke up around nine the next morning. Alone. I sat up, my blankets falling off of my torso. I stretched my arms over my head, then got up. My feet hit the cold wood of my floor and it was perfect. I loved the feeling of cold floors in the morning. When Tate and I tried to find a house to rent, I made sure that there was zero carpet. Cold floors in the morning always reminded me of being with my family, at our cabin or something, and it was one of those simple pleasures I adored. 

In my bathroom, I grimaced at my reflection. My hair looked like a rats nest. I yanked at it with my brush, which only slightly helped, so I gave up and threw my hair into a messy bun. Jackson’s shirt fluttered when I skipped down the stairs, and into the kitchen. The tee shirt hit my mid-thigh, so it was completely acceptable to wear as dress. I made a cup of coffee and turned on the news. When my Keurig was done brewing, I sat in my nest of blankets and waited. 

Just because I fell asleep next to Jackson, didn’t mean I was going to wake up next to him. He tended to go for a run in the morning, and then go to the gym, and then another run. It wasn’t surprising at all that he wasn’t around. I knew he would be back soonish though, so I wasn’t concerned. 

Between sips of coffee, I must have nodded off again. Thank god, I always put my mug down between drinks, or else I would have gotten burned and sticky. I was awakened to the feeling of Jackson pulling me into his lap. 

“Welcome back.” I smiled up at him. “How was your run?”


I rested my hand on his jaw, and felt how cool his skin was. As long as he didn’t sparkle, I didn’t give two shits what his temperature was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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