•Scene 5•

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The doors of the bedchambers closed behind you with a resounding boom like the lid of a coffin.

The room was scarcely lit, the little candlelight letting the moon illuminate the space through fluttering curtains instead. The enormous bed at the center of the chamber glared at you with its silken sheets and lavish pillows.

You paid the sultry atmosphere no mind, spotting the wooden trunk you had transported with you from Lurmuse. It contained all your most valuable belongings.

You stepped toward it, and Minho suddenly blurted, "Wait!"

You turned to face him, finding him gawking at you with wide, frantic eyes. His hair had disheveled ever so slightly from the evening's celebrations, and although he did not drink enough to become fully intoxicated, there was a curious redness at the tip of his ears.

"Don't worry," you told him. "I only wish to fulfill my part of the deal. I will not ask you to lay with me."

Not awaiting his response, you approached the sturdy trunk and opened it. With a little rummaging, you found the small chest you were searching for and spun toward Minho.

"Inside this chest, you will find maps indicating the locations of the military camps and detailed plans of each," you said as you handed it to him before fishing out a small key from a pouch tied to your wrist.

Placing the key over the chest, you then added, "You will also find a list of all the nobles that are indebted to or being blackmailed by the Crown Prince and the information to use against them. I need not say, guard this carefully."

Minho received the chest with furrowed brows. Sharp focus had returned to his eyes when he looked at you. "This is more than what we agreed on."

You held his gaze, unwavering under his tremendous scrutiny. "Maps, records, correspondences—I will give you any and all information I am privy to."

Your promise was resolute, and you meant it wholeheartedly. All he needed was to ask. "I only need for you to lend me your strength when the time comes."

"And when will that be?" he breathed out.

"A little less than year from now," you revealed, breaking eye contact with him to gaze at the full moon peeking through the window. "On the eve of my twenty-first, he will come knocking on my door.

"Other than that," you gave him a smile as though to assure him, "I will never bother you with anything."


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