•Scene 7•

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You had been preparing your afternoon tea with Ryujin when the tearoom's door burst open, revealing a frantic Minho, who seemed to relax upon seeing you. "There you are!"

"Is something the matter?" you regarded his curious state with creased brows. It appeared as though he had been running around the palace for the past few minutes, and you could not begin to imagine why.

"Yes." his expression was grim as he strode toward you, his tone void of any humor. "I need your help."

You saw Ryujin move toward the door from your peripheral and a hundred possibilities flashed in your mind. Was there an issue with the reports? Did they encounter a problem in their investigations? Had the Crown Prince intercepted them?

You set down your teaspoon and faced him fully, shoulders squared in determination. "What do you want me to do?"

"Hide me."

You failed to contain your surprise. "Pardon?"

He glanced at the door suspiciously before lowering his voice into a whisper, "My aunts have decided to pay a spontaneous visit."

"Oh." all the grave scenarios that you had speculated were instantly flushed out by his underwhelming revelation. "We should greet them, then."

"No. We can't do that!"

"Why not?"

The tips of his ears began to redden when you continued to stare at him. As far as you could tell, there was no valid reason to relinquish proper manners and offend your in-laws.

Minho surrendered after a few seconds, mumbling as he looked away, "They will not let me go until I have promised them a great nephew."

Oh. This was a serious matter after all.

You recalled his cousin's birthday banquet with an inward cringe. You, too, would not wish to be subjected to that conversation again.

"I am sure he went this way!" the voice of a woman came muffled through the door and warning bells rung in your head. It's them.

A large closet with one of its doors ajar caught your attention. It was used for hanging aprons and towels, and before you could think much of it, you pulled Minho inside with you and shut the door to the best of your ability.

A mere split second later, the tearoom's door was opened. Three pairs of heels clacked on the marbled floor, accompanied by the rustling of heavy skirts.

"Strange. I could have sworn I saw him fleeing this way," one of the ladies mused, and you held your breath.

The closet was barely fit for the two of your bodies even as you were pressed so closely to one another. Your dress, light as it was for the day, was still taking up much space. Any little movement and your cover would instantly be blown.

What an incredibly stupid idea. You could not believe that you had willingly placed yourself in such a compromising position.

Why were you even doing this? All you knew was that Minho had wanted to hide, and you obliged. It seemed like the only logical thing to do.

Still gripping the front of his jacket, you felt him smile against your cheek, and you were suddenly all too aware of his proximity. A whisper of breath fanned your ear.

"One would think that we're having an affair, Lady Y/n."

He was too close, and you were sure that your heart was going to leap out of your chest in turn. Had you not been trying to be discreet, you would have knocked some sense into his seemingly senseless mind.

Flustered, you hissed, "Shush—"

"Did you hear that?"

You tensed up at the question, falling deathly quiet.

A single second passed so slowly you could have mistaken it for a lifetime.

"Hear what?" one of the women repeated, to which a new, higher-pitched voice sighed. "It was likely nothing. There is no one here."

"You there. Might you happen to know where Lord Minho is?" someone asked.

"Your Ladyships, I believe he is occupied with the Lady at the moment," came Ryujin's composed response, and your face heated up at how scandalous it sounded. What kind of ridiculous image would the High Ladies have of you now?

"Is that so?" a chittering of giggles, then the first Lady declared, "We shall resume our search, then."

You waited, patient and unmoving until utter silence befell the tearoom and you heard your lady-in-waiting announce, "They have left, my lady."

You did not spare a moment, pushing your way out and ditching Minho.

Never again would you do something like that, you resolved as you patted down your skirts. It was enough shame to last you several lifetimes and then spare some more.

Minho stepped out after you, adjusting his jacket nonchalantly as though this was all in his day's work. When he caught you glancing at him, a sly smile drew itself on his lips. "You know, I initially planned on ducking under the table, but I suppose your idea worked just fine in the end."

"You asked me to hide you, and I did," you pointed, deflecting his mischief. You would not allow him the pleasure of throwing you off guard twice in a day.

"That is true," he hummed. "I must thank you, then."

You had seen enough lifetimes not to be flustered by his actions, yet he still managed to disorient you. Like an unforeseen storm cloud, it filled you with unease.

Had he always been like this, or were you only noticing it now?

Had he always been like this, or were you only noticing it now?

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