•Scene 4•

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It took a lot of convincing until your handmaidens allowed you to bring a few documents to your bed, and even more to let you leave to your study. Even then, you were not left alone once.

A few things had changed since the kidnapping incident.

First, your entourage had more than doubled in size. Five knights were assigned to you, in addition to a special personal attendant. Her name was Ryujin, and she was an expert at handling a blade, among several other deadly arts. Minho had her disguised as your lady-in-waiting so that she would remain at your side more closely than the knights.

That was the second thing. Minho. If you had thought that his attention was unnerving beforehand, then it had magnified beyond your control now. His appearance at the dungeon was not part of your plan. You did not intend for him to see you so vulnerable.

But the truth remained that he had saved you. It was an undeniable fact that made a tide of conflicting emotions crash over you, and you did not appreciate the way it made you feel.

This was a partnership built on the exchange of material benefits, your information for his power. That could not change, not if your plan were to pass as desired.

You strode toward his office now, flanked by a persistent body of guards. In your hands was a confidential document which you were sure Minho would make good use of.

Once you reached your destination, one of the stationed guards opened the door of the study for you and you thanked him, ashamed that you could not stop him and do it yourself.

When you stepped through, your guards moved after you, and you spun around to face them, slightly exasperated. "Please, I would like to speak with His Lordship alone."

They seemed to hesitate for a moment, indecisive, before giving in. You could hardly wait for Seungmin to finish recuperating and become their captain. Perhaps then you would not have to be worried by their unrelenting attentiveness.

You shut the door behind you and sighed. That incident had created more trouble than you anticipated.

"Should you not be resting, Lady Y/n?"

Minho was staring at you with clear concern marring his handsome face, the papers before him and the pen in his grip forgotten. You avoided his gaze. It was difficult to look at him when he appeared to you like a beacon of light. That incident had truly created more trouble than you wished for.

You coughed. "I have rested quite enough."

Before he could pursue the topic further, you laid down the envelope of documents on his paper-riddled desk. "I came to deliver this as thanks for saving me. I hope that you will find it helpful."

His attention fell on the envelope, but he did not touch it. The expression he wore was indecipherable, and when he said nothing, you turned swiftly to take your leave. "That is all. I will leave you to your work. My apologies for the intrusion—"

"Is it only right for me to help you at a price?"

Minho's question hung in the air, blunt and accusing. But in it, you caught a glimpse of helplessness. Guilt. As though he were extending a hand to a drowning person who was refusing to take it.

You looked back at him, trying to smile. The words tasted acrid on your tongue.

"What other reason would you have?"

• • •

A passerby would not recognize the storehouse as one with all the children running about, laughing and shouting as they chased a patchwork ball.

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