•Scene 5•

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The villa in the mountains was an impressive display of architecture. Standing in a clearing surrounded by a dizzying forest, it was like a gleaming pearl in the heart of an oyster.

Tall windows accentuated by sweeping arches adorned its pale exterior and four small turrets protruded from the building's edges. An unfurling staircase led to the main entrance, shadowed by a grand balcony on the floor above. Valorieve's flag fluttered atop the structure's peaks, gold, imperial blue, and the emblem of a prowling leopard.

You and Minho were ushered in to rest upon your arrival while the staff handled your luggage. The head butler of the villa served you tea and light snacks, a necessary refreshment after a day's worth of travel.

Bringing the porcelain teacup to your lips, you looked at the scenery outside the giant windows. There was a shimmering lake behind the villa, which you did not know of. A few birds poked at its edges, and the surface rippled occasionally with the fish swimming underneath.

The trees and grass surrounding the lake were untended, left to grow to their natural will. It was no fine garden like that of the palace, but its wild beauty did not pale in comparison.

"We should take a stroll outside when you have rested enough," Minho suggested from where he sat across the small table. You tried to discern a hidden meaning to his words, but you found none.

It bothered you. Surely there was something that required your help. You set your teacup down, responding, "All right."

A slight chill tickled your nose when you stepped out into the open. Side by side, you walked with Minho, taking in the stunning scenery around you. You saw the surrounding mountains more clearly now, white peaks hiding among the clouds. The lake was a mirror to the vast sky, tempting you to disrupt the tranquil image with a dip of your hand.

The silence that settled between you was pleasant, and it unnerved you. Minho was not saying anything, instead, he seemed almost content.

This is not right, you thought. If he wanted something, then why was he taking so long to ask for it? This was only a waste of time. You hated beating around the bush the most.

Stopping short in your tracks, you prompted cautiously, puncturing the silence, "Do you have business in the mountains? Is that why we are here?"

Minho's steps faltered, and, body half-turned, he regarded you with a slight raise of his brow. "I simply wished to spend some time with my wife away in the mountains. Is that too much to ask for?"

The cool breeze bit at your cheeks as your heart lurched in a sickening motion. You stared at him blankly, and his steady gaze broke with the sigh that puffed out of his lips, self-pitying. "I knew that you wouldn't believe me."

Minho did not await an answer, quickly admitting, "I am investigating something important. That's why we have to be away from the palace."

An investigation? you clenched your fists, trying to hide your earlier discomposure. "Is it something I can help with?"

"Of course," he said, turning around and resuming his walk. "All you have to do is act freely."

That did not answer the question.

You caught up to him, muttering loud enough for him to hear, "That is rather unhelpful."

The corner of his lips quirked in mischief, completely ignoring your complaint. "Say, would you care for a dip in the lake?"

"That would be improper," you sniffed. The image of your dress soaked in water and dragging about was not pretty. "Besides, it's cold."

"There is no one here but us, Lady Y/n." he waved a hand at the sprawling forest and distant mountains, his tone lighthearted. "You can afford to forgo some propriety."

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