•Scene 3•

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There was a commotion up ahead as Sycross rode with an entourage toward the renovation site, delivering your afternoon meal for the day.

Citizens scurried out of the way as something barreled through them, wild and uncontrollable. Shouts rung in the air, lost in them was the pounding of hooves.

Sycross squinted at the cloud of dust approaching them. Whoever, or whatever, it was, he would not allow them to impede his way.

Then, a horse broke out of the crowd, majestic in its powerful gallop. It headed straight toward them with no sign of stopping, and no one seemed to be chasing it.

It was both strange and alarming, and Sycross quickly ordered the knights accompanying him. "Intercept this wild animal!"

One of the knights rode forward, waving one arm and calling out, "Whoa! Whoa!"

The frenzied horse faltered for a moment at the signal, rearing and neighing loudly before stomping at the ground as though angry at being stopped. It took a few moments of placating until the knight was able to grab the reins and guide the horse toward the group. It obeyed, though clearly displeased as it jerked its head around.

Only when the discord ceased did Sycross realize the appearance of the animal. An inky black coat that glistened in the light and an impressive mane of the same depthless shade. It was a breed native and exclusive to the plains of Lurmuse.

His gut twisted in dread. He recognized that stallion.

"Is that not Sir Kim's steed?" he heard someone say and he stepped down from his seat at the front of the carriage.

It was indeed your knight's horse.

That it was without its rider was no promising omen.

Sycross approached the agitated animal, not caring for the possible danger of his actions. A voice in his head whispered that something had gone terribly wrong, and a feeling in his heart told him that he would find the answer with this horse.

True to his instincts, he found a pouch hastily tied to the empty saddle. He did not bother to untie it, instead ripping it open with a short blade and pulling out a scrap of paper and a torn piece of maroon cloth.

He recognized the piece in a harrowing heartbeat.

It was taken from the dress you had worn before leaving the palace mere hours earlier.

So quickly it could have ripped, Sycross unfolded the small paper, taking in the message written in messy script and splattered with blood.

'We were ambushed on our way to the site. Her ladyship was taken away. Send aid.'

Ice ran cold in his veins and he turned around, barking orders at the curious knights, "There has been an ambush up ahead! Head to their aid as fast as you can!"

They sprung into motion immediately, hooves thundering as they rode hard toward the site, unquestioning and flowing with determination.

Sycross turned to the grim-faced coachman, schooling his emotions into perfect calm before speaking—ever the professional, "Quick. We must inform His Lordship."

• • •

Your eyes snapped open to be greeted by the damp wall of a dungeon, senses awakened to the dull ache across your body.

You were disoriented for the briefest moment before the events of the prior hours slammed into you. You had been ambushed and taken away. Your knight had gotten injured.

Seungmin. Did he leave as you had told him? That honor-drunk fool was probably scouring their trial right now.

If he was not already dead.

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