•Scene 9•

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"You are proposing improvements for the register of those in need?" Minho skimmed through the small stack of papers you had handed him.

"Yes," you affirmed, explaining, "In short, it would follow a system similar to the one implemented in Lurmuse. Instead of simply distributing donations, those registered would be treated as employees of the Count. They would be paid in exchange for civil and public services. The details of such services are written in the plan I handed to you.

"There is a small school that I think would work well for a trial of the new register, especially the section concerning the children's allowance scheme. Its details are also in the plan."

"I see," Minho murmured, deep in thought. He was well aware of the shortcomings of their current system, and he was not at all surprised that you had noticed them too. Your fief was well known for achieving a high quality of life and making it the standard amongst its citizens. There was no poverty in Lurmuse. The people may not have been ostentatiously rich, but they never found themselves in need.

It was something Minho wanted to achieve in Valorieve as well.

He also knew that you had been working on this proposal for a little more than two weeks now. It was a rough draft, in no way perfect, but he was more than willing to adopt such a strategy devised by a Lurmuse noble. This was one of your family's areas of expertise, after all.

"I will see to it," he determined after a few moments, looking up at you from where he sat at his desk. "We may need your assistance for further developments in the future."

"I will be glad to help. Thank you for your time." you gave him a firm nod—always short with your words—and promptly turned to leave his study.

You were not one to linger, nor one to blather, Minho had noticed that about you in the past four months he spent observing you. You kept to yourself, only speaking when necessary and doing it quickly before quietly retreating to your corner of the palace.

Despite this being a mere partnership, you upheld a Lady's duties to the estate with ease and efficiency. You worked quietly, without leaving a trace, overseeing everything from the palace's garden work and maintenance to its finances and supplies.

You were so different from the current Countess Valorieve, whose presence was as overbearing as her endless pride—a flaw that he acknowledged, despite the love and respect he had for her.

Never once did he hear a complaint about you from the staff. They had instead gotten used to your shadow-like presence—comfortable, even. They liked you. That much was evident with your butler, Sycross, who, when asked, vehemently attested to your considerate and dependable character.

But all these observations did was confound Minho further. Something was still missing in the narrative he had constructed around you. Something so significant, it would shatter the mysterious whole.

He was determined to uncover the truth.

He was determined to uncover the truth

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