•Scene 6•

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The gathering was small and informal. All who were attending seemed to be good friends, for they talked and drank easily with one another. You felt out of place among them, but you still stuck to Minho's side, quietly nodding and smiling along with the conversation happening around you.

"Lord Lee!" a young man materialized out of the crowd and gripped Minho's shoulder. His overly friendly manner perked your attention.

You recognized him immediately. He was the heir of Swann, the small fief neighboring Valorieve. He had a lopsided smirk painted on his lips, and in his free hand was a wineglass that sloshed dangerously, threatening to ruin the dress of the pretty lady on his arm.

Minho smiled at him politely as the small group that had surrounded you began to disperse. "Lord Swann, it is a pleasure to see you."

"The pleasure is all mine!" the other man laughed. He seemed not to notice your presence at all.

Thankfully, you thought.

"How is business at the coast? I hear rumors of a deal with those western traders," he asked and Minho humored him, "Yes, well, we still are working on the details..."

They conversed for a while after that, discussing expansions and the rise of prices in the market. The Swann nobles ran a very particular business in perfumery, utilizing their expanse of flowering meadows to produce the kingdom's most sought-after fragrances. You knew countless ladies who wore their products. You had even tried some of them before.

On the other hand, Valorieve's main field of business was foreign trade, among various other areas. Since a large portion of their land bordered the sea, they were at the forefront of exporting and importing goods. As a result, Adorance became known as the kingdom's hub of trade—the City of Exchange.

You took a sip from your drink, gaze traveling across the hall when you heard Lord Swann say, "You must join us after the party."

He leaned closer to Minho as if to share a secret. "Hyunjae had just informed me of some riveting entertainment he found close by."

You felt Minho's arm stiffen in your grip. There was a gap of silence before he responded flatly, "I'm afraid I will have to reject your offer."

"Oh?" Lord Swann appeared genuinely perplexed, backing away slightly before he finally noticed you.

"Oh..." His expression turned into one of mischief. "I had not noticed that the Lady was with you. Greetings."

You returned his discourtesy with a disinterested nod. "Lord Swann."

He was unfazed, or perhaps your presence mattered little to him. With a knowing smirk, he patted Minho's shoulder. "Well, then. I will leave you two to enjoy yourselves."

When he left, Minho let out a breath like he had finally gotten rid of an annoyance. You could not blame him. The young Lord Swann was rather obnoxious at times.

Taking another sip of your drink, you muttered, "You did not have to reject his offer."

You felt his muscles tense up again, ever so faintly. His answer came simple, matter of fact. "I am a married man now, Lady Y/n."

You did not like the way that statement made you feel.

"Do not let me ruin your fun." you shrugged. "We are only married in name. You can fool around as much as you want."

The last thing you wanted was for him to dedicate his being to you. Not when you knew that this life of yours was fleeting.

"I am not so irresponsible a man."

Minho's fierce tone slammed into you like a wall of ice, making you freeze and stare at him mutely.

He glared at you with the intensity of a hundred suns. Even though you could not decipher his solemn expression, you were suddenly acutely aware of your hand holding his arm and the closeness of your bodies.

It made you want to break free and run away, sickened and perturbed.

You tore your gaze away instead, scoffing weakly, "Suit yourself."


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