Jenna's P.O.V
The next day I woke up with a smile plastered on my face. I haven't felt this way about anyone before. I haven't even known Alec that long but I feels like I've known him my whole life. So I laid in bed for a few more minutes and then I decided to get out of bed. Even though I really didn't want to. I got up and brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed. After I put my make up on I decided to go downstairs. I started to walk down the stairs when I heard my mom and brother talking. "I think Jenna likes Alec but I'm just afraid she's falling for him way too fast. I don't want to see her get hurt. ", My mom said. What they didn't know is that I have been a fan of Alec's covers for a few months now so I actually have liked him for over a month. Even though he didn't know me at the time. I turn the corner and walk into the kitchen. "Hey guys.", I said. "Morning.", My mom said. "Hey.", My brother said. "What are you making mom?", I asked. "Pancakes. You should go wake Alec up and see if he wants some.", She said. Oh great my mom is plotting something. Could she make it anymore obvious? "Okay I'll be back in a second.", I said. So I start to make my way back upstairs when my brother whispers "Mom could you have been more obvious?! I chuckle to myself and make my way to the guest from which Alec was staying in. I knock on the door and then I hear a "Come in." So I open the door and stepped into the room a little until Alec came into view. "My mom wanted me to tell you that breakfast is done if you want some.", I smiled. "Thank you I'll be down in a second.", He smiled. I shut the door and started to make my way back downstairs but before I was at the bottom I made sure that the smile that was on my face earlier was gone. If they would see me smiling like that they would pester me with questions. As soon as I went into the kitchen and got my pancakes I heard Alec coming down the stairs. "Hey Alec.", I heard my brother say. "Hey.", He replied. He walked into the kitchen and got his food and sat diagonal from me. Once everyone was sitting at the table my mom asked "So any plans for today anyone?" "I think I'm going to go hang out with an old friend.", Alec said. "Who?", My brother asked. "Kendall.", Alec said. "You mean your ex Kendall? Super hot Kendall?", My brother questioned. "Yeah. I think she wants to get back together.", Alec said. My heart plummeted into my stomach and my appetite was gone. I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes. She mouthed "You can go to your room if you want." I nodded and slowly got out of my chair and went back upstairs into my room and shut the door. I laid onto my bed. That's when I officially broke. I felt like my heart was in a million pieces and I felt sick. "Stop crying.", I whispered to myself but the tears just kept streaming down my face. The pain in my chest wouldn't go away. "He never liked you. You're so stupid Jenna. So so stupid.", I cried to myself. The way to describe how I felt? Broken.

Brothers Best Friend
FanfictionWhat will happen when Jenna meets her brothers best friend, Alec...and she slowly starts to fall for him?