Alec's P.O.V
I get back to the house after my walk and I go into the kitchen where Jenna's mom was cleaning up from breakfast. "Can I help you clean up Mrs. C?", I asked. "No, thank you though", She said blankly. "Alright.", I sighed and walked up to the guest room. I closed the door behind me and decided to take a shower. So I put my shower playlist on and got in the shower. I started to sing along to the music playing. In the shower you usually overthink but for some reason it was kind of relaxing. I forgot about all of my problems. I grabbed my towel and dried off then I went back into the room and got into some jeans and a t-shirt. "Hey Alec you want to go get some ice cream?", Kale asked. "Sure.", I said. So we went downstairs and grabbed the keys and Kale yelled "Me and Alec are going to get ice cream!" "Alright!", his mom yelled back. We got in the car and started to drive to Dairy Queen. "So what's going on with you and Jenna?", Kale asked. "I don't know man. I really like her but she's 3 years younger than me. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.", I said. "Age doesn't really matter, you know that right?", He said. "Yeah I know but I just feel like your parents wouldn't like it if I dated her. You'd probably be mad at me too.",I said "No I wouldn't! No matter how much everyone thinks I despise my sister I just want her to be happy. As long as you don't break her heart I'm cool with it.", He shrugged. We pulled into the Dairy Queen parking lot and got out of the car and went to go order our ice cream. I got my favorite ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip. We sat down at the picnic tables and had a typical guy conversation. It was about sports, sports teams. I realized it was close to 2:00 and I was supposed to hang out with Kendall today. I really don't want to but if I cancel she will spread rumors about me and I don't need all of that on top of what I'm dealing with already. I sighed and said "Can you take me back to the house? I have to get ready to go hang out with Kendall." "Yeah, sure", He said. So we got back into the car and started t rive back to the house. There was a silence and then Kale spoke up, "I wonder if Jenna's okay? I mean she stormed off at breakfast and I haven't seen her since." I sighed and said "I hope I didn't upset her but I'm pretty sure I did though." "Yeah but don't worry she'll get over it." "I sure hope so.", I say to myself. The rest of the car ride was completely silent besides the music playing quietly in the background. We finally got back to the house and I hopped out of the car and said "Thanks for the ice cream." and he shrugged "No problem man." Kale walked in front of me and opened the door and once he got through he door he shouted "HONEY IM HOME!"I laughed and went upstairs to the guest room. I changed into a pair of jeans and my striped t-shirt and I sighed. I looked at my phone and it was almost 3 so I decided that it was time to leave. I ran down the stairs and slammed the door shut and once I got to my car I looked up at Jenna's window and there she was. She was looking out the window at me so I gave her a little smile. Her facial expression just looked sad and then she shut the curtain. I sighed and said to myself "I've really fucked things up haven't I?" I got into my Jeep and headed over to Kendall's. After driving for about 20 minutes I arrived at Kendall's house and I parked the car in her driveway and shut it off. I sighed and said to myself "Well here goes nothing." I got out of the car and walked to the door and rang the doorbell. With in seconds Kendall, looking as fake as ever answered the door. "ALEC!", She said with her shrill voice. She goes in for a hug. "Hey.", I said backing away from her hug. "Come in, come in.",She said. I stepped inside and took off my shoes. "So what have you been up to?", She asked. "Nothing much. Just touring a bit and hanging out with friends..What about you?", I said trying to be polite. "Oh nothing.", She said. "Wanna watch a movie?", She said. "Sure.", I replied. I sat down on the far end of the couch. She sat down in the middle. The movie started playing a few minutes later and I noticed how Kendall kept moving closer and closer. She got so close that I could feel her breathing on my neck. She started toying with my shirt and I attempted to move away but there was no room left on the couch then she started playing with my hair. I stood up and moved away and said "Kendall, no." "Why not?", She smirked and stood up. "Um..",I said. Shit I don't know what to do. "Um, what?", She smirked and moved closer. I stepped back and said "I'm dating someone.", I lied. "She doesn't have to find out." , She started to mess with my shirt again. "I said no.", I said. "I've have to go. It's late.", I said and started to put on my shoes. "Maybe some other time.", She smirked. "I wouldn't count on it.", I said and ran to my car and sped off. Wow she's even more of a slut than I remembered. A few minutes later I pulled into the driveway at the house and I saw that the lights were still on. I go up to the door and go inside. I take off my shoes and sigh. I walk into the living room and see Jenna. She looked beautiful. She was wearing her pajamas but in my eyes she looked beautiful no matter what. I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes and ran upstairs. She really hates me doesn't she? My eyes started to tear up but I wouldn't let the tears come out. I went into the kitchen and made some Macaroni & Cheese. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and once my food was done I sat down at the island and scrolled through Twitter. Once I was done I put my dish in the sink and grabbed my water and went upstairs. I changed into some pajama pants and laid down in bed. I fell asleep thinking about how I was going to get Jenna to forgive me.

Brothers Best Friend
Hayran KurguWhat will happen when Jenna meets her brothers best friend, Alec...and she slowly starts to fall for him?