Jenna's P.O.V
So the next morning I woke up with a tear stained face, due to the night before. I sat in bed for a few more minutes going through all my social medias. After I sat there for like 5 minutes scrolling through my phone I decided to take a shower since I didn't take one last night. I got in the shower and put on my shower playlist, and of course every freaking sad song that I own played. After awhile I couldn't take it anymore, I sat down in the shower and I cried. I cried because I wasn't good enough for Alec, I cried because he slept with his ex and I cried because I thought he was different. He acted like he liked me but I guess he didn't. I got up and washed off my body then grabbed my towel and wrapped my hair up in a towel. I went back into my room and put on a band t-shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I quickly dried my hair and put on a little make-up, then I decided to go downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Alec, my mom and my brother were all in there eating, when they heard me walk into the room there was an awkward silence and they all looked up at me. I put my head down and walked over and got some food and sat down. I poked at my food without looking up, then my mom spoke up,"So does anyone have any plans for today?" That's the phrase that caused the conflict in the first place. "Well I have work today.", Kale says. "So do I.", my mom nodded. "So Alec and Jenna.. any plans?", my mom said. I just shook my head no. "No I don't.", Alec said quietly. I finished my food and put my plate in the sink, then I went into the living room and started to watch If I Stay. After a few minutes my mom and brother came in to say goodbye to me and told me they would be back later tonight. That left me alone with Alec. I grabbed a blanket and started to pay attention to the movie, then a few minutes into the movie Alec came and sat at the opposite end of the couch. I noticed that Alec kept looking over at me, I tried to pay attention to the movie but being in the same room with Alec was making me nervous. After about 20 minutes Alec spoke up, "Can we talk?", he whispered. I didn't want to hear his excuses. I knew he was never going to like me. "Sure.", I whispered back, my voice becoming unsteady. I turn down the volume of the movie but I don't turn to look at him. "Why have you been ignoring me?", he said. Are you kidding me? "Really? You don't even know why I'm pissed at you?, I chuckled and turned to face him. "No I don't. I'm assuming I did something wrong?", he said. "Yeah but I was dumb enough to think you'd ever like me back.", I said under my breath. "It's my fault.", I said. "Jenna..", he said quietly. "Don't even Alec. Okay? Just stop. You acted like you liked me and then went and hooked up with your ex. There's nothing to explain. I'll never be good enough I know.", I said. I got up and went into the kitchen. "What? I didn't hook up with Kendall.. Who told you that?", he said. I chuckled and said, "Alec I saw that your hair and clothes were all messed up when you came in last night." "No it's not what you think. I went over to Kendall's and she was trying to touch and kiss me and that's why my clothes and hair were all messed up.", he said while coming over to stand in front of you. "Oh I'm so stupid.", I said and put my head down in embarrassment. "Hey, hey, hey.. You're not stupid.. You just assumed something happened... But when I say I like someone Jenna, I really mean it.",he said while looing into your eyes. "So you still like me?", I said. "I never stopped.", he smiled and leaned in to kiss you. Your lips connected and it felt like a fairytale, when their lips touch and they feel fireworks, well with Alec I felt that. He picked me up and sat me on the island counter and I placed my hands on his chest, while his hands were on the sides of my face. A few moments later we pulled away, breathless. We place our foreheads together and look into each others eyes, then Alec breaks the silence, "Will you be my girlfriend Jenna?" I giggled and said, "Of course." He pecked my lips and helped me get off the counter, then we went back to the couch and cuddled the rest of the day while watching movies. Everything was falling into place.

Brothers Best Friend
FanfictionWhat will happen when Jenna meets her brothers best friend, Alec...and she slowly starts to fall for him?