Chapter 5

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Alec's P.O.V

Watching Pitch Perfect with Jenna last night was amazing. I'm slowly falling for her more and more each day. Then I start to think "I can't like her. She's my best friends sister." "She'd 3 years younger than me." I need to stop thinking about her. I cant fall in love with her. I ay in bed for a few more minutes and begin to get dressed. That'd when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in.", I shouted. The door opened up a little and behind the door was Jenna. She steps a little in the room and a smile automatically comes to my face. "No stop smiling! You can't like her!" I wipe the smile off my face. "My mom wanted me to tell you breakfast is done if you want any.", She said. "Thank you I'll be down in a second.", I said. Jenna walked out of the room and shut the door. I sighed and whispered "This is going to be harder than I thought." I finally get back up after a few minutes then my phone goes off. It was my ex Kendall. Kendall was an okay girlfriend but she was so controlling. She wanted to hang out today. I sighed she probably wants to get back together. This will be a good way to get Jenna off my mind and I tell her okay and to be at Kale's house at 1:30. I walk down stairs and go into the kitchen.  I grabbed my pancakes and sat down. I usually sit by Jenna but today I sat diagonal from her to try and keep my distance. There was an awkward silence for awhile but then Kale's mom spoke up and said, "So does anyone have plans for today?" I spoke up without even thinking about what was about to come out of my mouth. "I think I'm going to hang out with an old friend today.". I said. "Who?', Kale asked. "Kendall.", I said." You mean your ex Kendall? Super hot Kendall?", He asked. "Yeah I think she wants to get back together.", I said. All of a sudden I see Jenna stand up from the table with her face to the floor and she goes back upstairs. Shit. I hurt her didn't I? I thought this was going to keep my mind off of her. I sighed and said "I think I'm going to take a walk. Kale's mom just nodded and didn't even look up from her plate. I walk outside and start to walk down a path in the woods. What was I going to do? Is hanging out with Kendall a good idea? I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "I never meant t hurt her.", I sighed and then a tear started running down my face. I kept walking and thinking about Jenna. Is she going to forgive me? Will she still like me even if I hang out with Kendall? I never realized how much I cared about Jenna until now. There's no way for me to avoid how I feel about her. I love her.

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