he stroked a monster and this is what it said

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Have you seen me?

I have so much of blood in my mouth

From all the guts of I have chewed silently, in skillful ferocity.

I have so much of blood in my hands,

From all the heartstrings I have plucked at and twisted cruelly

Just to fuel my narcissism and keep me entertained.

Yet why do you still call for me,

Why do you still sit by me when I cry

Why do you not fear or hesitate?

How dare you be so gentle with me?

How dare you stroke my calloused, ugly skin?

How dare you hold the hands that have bruised and burnt?

How dare you listen to the lips that have mocked and spat on others?

You're way too daring.

You choose to be so gentle and affectionate with me,

But I mistake all of those unfamiliairites as a sign to wage war.

Contrary to what they see, I have so much of unreasonable venom in me

And yet you dare to walk up to me and meet my eyes and smile.

The deadliest weapon against a foul beast is selfless, endless kindness,

And you're the master of it, oh-so easily knocking the breath out of me.

You're so delicate and I so shamelessly vile

I mistake your kindness as an attempt to pry open my ribs and lick all that's within.

Oh god, who's wrath did I incur to have met you?

I don't deserve you

Didn't I torment you enough already?

Some day when we aren't in the same worlds anymore,

You'll be sitting and wondering how you got all of those teeth marks on you

It was me desperately clinging onto you with all that I had,

hoping to get to your heart, you're so naive now, you wouldn't notice it until late.

For you, just for you,

I'll choose to be kinder, gentler and more humane.

I'll try to soften the earth you walk upon,

And poison all that discomforts you

Purify the streams you drink from and the air you breathe

And sweeten all that you consume.

After all, I am a vile monster with no name

All that I could ever do to redeem

Is loyally serve those who braved my cruelty and chose to hold my hand

even when the prettiest of angels were fleeting around with their arms open.

All that harmony within your heart puts the world to shame and makes the gods flinch,

Your endless powers of adoration are enough

to wreck havoc in the domes of the mighty

and breathe sanity into the devil's chest.

You hold way too much strength within your palms

this earth would swell with youthful frondescence if it ever tasted a drip of your blood

And your essence would make the poets blush and lose their words.

It's a pity how limiting God can be with His creations,

not everyone seeks what you truly are, but worry not

someday they'll hear me and remember you forever.

for my unaware arsonistsWhere stories live. Discover now