Chapter 1

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Chase's pov

"CHASE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!" My dad yelled from the bottom of the stair case, I quickly got off the bed and rushed down stairs only to be met with a fist to the side of my face causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. I looked up at the man towering above me fear evident in my eyes."WHAT TOOK YOU SO DAMN LONG!" he spat as he kicked me in the side of my stomach, before I could respond I felt pain on the right side of my face right where his fist hit me a moment ago I held my cheek and looked him in the eyes."Answer me when I'm talking to you!!" he yelled "I just woke up sir" came my faint response "Don't you have school today?" He asked "Yes but my alarm doesn't go off for another two hours" I answered "Get dressed and get out my fucking house right now" he said "Oh and be home on time or else" he threatened, I didn't have the energy to respond so I nodded my head yes which earned me another kick but this time to my ribs I swear I heard a crack "Are you mute use your words!!" He scolded "yes sir" came my quick response.

After he left for his room I painfully got up and slowly made my way to my room I closed the door behind me and got in the shower and let the hot water pour over my body and relax my aching bones, after my shower I got dressed into some black cargo pants, and white body fitting turtle neck, I put on my all white Nike shoes and let my hair down to cover the bruises on my face.

Where are my manners let me introduce myself,My name's are Chase Charlie Jenna Ross I'm 17 years of age and I live with both My parents and older brother oh and I'm a lesbian not bi but lesbian, I have striking green eyes, dark brown hair, defined jaw and a small button nose,I'm 6'3 and have a well built body though I don't eat much, not cause I choose not to but because my family won't waste food on a waste of space like me there words not mine.

As you've probably already noticed my life isn't all peaches and cream, My parents are abusive pricks and my older brother hates me and makes it his life's mission to make my life harder than it already is at least I still get clothes.

My family is actually really well off my dad is an over achieving business man and my mom is one of the worlds best actors and they are both models needless to say where rich. My older brother is an over achiever and a kiss ass,though my grades are better than his in every way he gets all the praise. He's currently studying medicine at one of the best medical institutes in Canada he chose to stay close to home to in his words "make sure I get what I deserve" did I mention that I'm way taller than he is his 6'1 and 21 years of age I guess it's a blow to his eagle for his freak of a sister to be taller than he is 🙄.

After getting ready for my first day back to school I pack my book bag and head downstairs in hopes of getting something to eat before I leave and spend the whole day in a hell hole on an empty stomach<sigh>. As I descend the stair case I'm met with my birth giver and for some unknown reason she looks really mad so I come to a holt when she starts storming towards me anger written all over her face as she stops right in front of me and looks up to meet my eyes because of the height difference, I mean she's a good 5'9. I look down at her and greet her cause I was raised right "good morning ma'am" I say and receive a harsh slap to my left cheek as a response I held my cheek as she yells at me about God knows what "Make sure you get home on time and do the chores, this house better be spotless before we get home do you understand!!" she yells, I sigh and nod my head yes which results in her pulling my ears and telling me to use my words to which I respond with a "yes ma'am" she release's me but not before slapping me one last time on the other cheek then she walks away, I sigh again knowing I'm not getting any food because she stormed off to the kitchen I head to the door and start my journey to school.

After a forty minute walk to school I finally arrive and head to the receptionist to get my schedule for the year. As I walk the hall's to get to my looker I have my air pods in as I listen to music and look at my schedule avoiding the few people here I finally arrive at my looker without any complications I unlock my locker and place my stuff inside only leaving out what I need for my first few classes.

As I close my locker I'm met with non- other than the queen bee herself Trixy and her entourage I turn around In hopes of avoiding her but come face to face with Jim one of the jocks of the school also known as Trixie's boyfriend, him and I are nearly the same height but I'm taller his 6'0ft, he grabs me by the culler and slams me against the locker I look at him with an unfazed look because honestly I'm tired of this shit he punches me in the stomach a few times which really hurt saying since I got a betting from my sperm donor early in the morning so I hunch over and hold my stomach in pain, he then tells his friends to hold me up and his little girl toy thinks it's funny to kick me hard where the sun don't shine I fall to my knees holding my crotch as they laugh and walk away leaving me in pain I stay there for a few minutes waiting for the pain to subside then I slowly stand up and collect my staff then head for my first period which is AP English.

I'm the first person in class as usual.I sit at the back of the class and start reading the book I started last night as I wait for the teacher and the rest of the students in order for the class to commence. After 30min of waiting the class finally starts as the teacher closes the door after the last student walks in I take out my note book and pen,the teacher introduces herself as Ms Jayson and asks us to introduce ourselves as she's one of the few new teachers at the school .

She started from the far end of the class which means I'd be the last to introduce myself, one by one everyone introduced themselves and said something interesting about themselves then it got to me she looked at me curiously and expectantly, I stood up and introduce myself "hi my name's are Chase Ross and I li-" I was cut of by one of the jackass's screaming " we don't give a fuck about your name late alone your interests freak!" The idiot yelled I really didn't want to introduce myself anyway so I shook my head and sat down Mrs Jayson then spoke surprising everyone "Jake is it? first of all you where not permitted to speak in my class nor are you allowed to curse in my class second I would love to know all your interests including Chase's over there so why don't you do the class a favor and get the hell out my class the principal will be expecting you" she said Venom laced with each word,Jake sat frozen in his seat as Mrs Jayson held the door open and said"anytime now we don't have all day and Chase please if you're still up for it tell us what you had to say " she said the last bit with a kind smile I looked at her and shook my head no she nodded her head understanding and started the lesson after Jake left.

After English I had AP Math then science, now it's time for lunch so I make my way to the bench by the lake and sit with my air pods In while I laid by head back with my eyes closed.

I was brought back to reality when cold water was dumped on me, I opened my eyes so fast and looked at the person who did it only to be met by my brother and his asshole friends I rolled my eyes and said "what do you want Tyler" he looked at me with disgust and snapped his fingers and two of his friends get me off the bench and hold me up in front of him, and that disgust was quickly replaced by a creepy smirk I knew all to well I'm fucked was my only thought before he began beating me avoiding my face because I still had two more classes before I had to go home so with one last punch to my ribs his friends dropped me to my knees and they all left laughing as I coughed blood. I looked at the time and realized I was let for my history class and that man hates me for reasons unknown I slowly got up and made my way to class.

When I got to the class I knocked on the door and waited for a response he opened the door and looked me up and down then said "detention after school for an hour thirty minutes Ross" I sighed and tried to think of a good reason but came up empty handed so I just said"yes sir" and walked into the room and took my seat.

Gym was my last class of the day so after that I waited for everyone to get done changing like I always do and got in and took a quick shower and got changed then made my way to detention when I got to the class I knocked and Mr Adams opened the door he looked at me and let me in I casually walked in and took a seat then it hit me I'm supposed to be home in 30 minutes I'm supposed to do the fucking chores before they get back home and they get back home In 2 hours 30 minutes it takes 40 minutes to get home this detention is for 1 hour 30 minutes so that means I have 20 minutes to clean a fucking mansion I'm fucked<sigh> I'm brought out of my thoughts by Mr Adams telling me to move to the front and stop tapping my legs up and down I did as told and took my book out and started reading.

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Hi I hope you enjoy this chapter and feel free to give feedback I'd really appreciate it ☺️❤️💖

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