Chapter 14

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⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️

Yaretzi's pov

So I'm currently outside Chase's window with Aloise and Alala I called Aloise here to test his theory of Tyler being capable of change and sure enough he is because the moment Aloise arrived 5minutes later Tyler was in Chase's room and came up with an amazing lie on the spot that saved her from a worse beating and Ares calmed down right after because I was having trouble keeping her in check sigh, this is all my fault if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have yelled but then again that was funny as hell up until her parents came and ruined our fun. "Well I guess you were right Aloise the brother might just be saved if my parents decide to kill her abusers" I chuckle at the thought I'm not joking though they really are planning on killing her abusers though her father is an amazing business man he owns his own company and runs it well he also makes deals for the pack and there always successful he truly is an amazing man and her mother is an amazing actress known world wide she's really good at it plus as a bonus she's kind and caring she donates half the money she makes to the people who are in need of it but I guess that's why she's an actress because outside she's kind and caring but in her own house hold she's heartless and cruel to her own child<sigh> "where are they" I here her brother say he must be talking about us "who?" Chase asks sounding confused "your little friends they are the reason for your yelling aren't they?" He asks sounding irritated "I don't know what your talking about" Chase responds "don't play with me Jenna tell me where they are or I'll call mom <cough> and dad <cough> and let them have there way with you" he says with no emotion, Jenna? Maybe that's her middle name "why can't you just call me Chase like everyone else?" she asks so politely and respectfully she's definitely the submissive type "don't play with me Jenna where are they before I call Mom and Dad and let them finish what they started" he says sounding irritated again "okay okay I'll tell you but you need to promise me you won't say anything to Sir and Madam I'll be grounded and punished for a month and my body can't handle it right now so please" she begs "you don't tell me what to do Jenna now where are they?" He asks again "I know but please I won't ask for anything else I'm begging you just this one thing please" she begs again "you have ten seconds to tell me where they are or I'll drag you downstairs and let them have there way with you" he tells her "fine I'll call her" she sighs in defeat "Yaretzi reveal yourself please" I tell Alala to stand instead of me "Alala?" She questions "Yeah my other name is Yaretzi remember I told you that" she says to which Chase responds with a "yeah sorry I'm not thinking straight where's Aloise?" And on que Aloise stands up.

Chase's pov

When Aloise stood up Tyler froze and didn't say a word as the both of them locked eyes "Sorry for making you yell like that it wasn't our intention to get you in trouble" Aloise apologizes for something he didn't do but I'm guessing Yaretzi put them up to this she's still here though I can still smell her sent and I can still feel her presence which gives me peace of mind knowing she didn't ditch me "After that wrong approach I'm pretty sure your parents won't be allowing us over" he sighs then looks at Tyler "can you pretend we are your friends then let us in please I've been dying to check out Chase's room" he says with an innocent smile I look at my brother and he seems to be thinking it through "okay but under one condition" my brother speaks "and that is" Alala asks "I get to speak with you alone" he says pointing to Aloise "but of course I'm all yours" Aloise responds and gives my brother a charming smile I look at Tyler and his face is heating up, blushing? No that can't be he hates me for a condition I can't control and when they found out I was lesbian they hated me more so him being gay would go against what he believes in "oh and one more thing we just happen to be three the third refuses to reveal themselves is there anyway of me letting them in without anyone seeing them?" He asks Tyler sighs and nods his head yes "Thank you" Aloise says and then winks at Tyler who looks away and hides his face is he okay is he feeling better "is everything okay Tyler are you feeling okay?" I ask genuinely concerned "I'm fine now hush" he says and I keep quiet.

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