Chapter 31

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Gerardo's pov

Yaretzi has officially lost it she keeps yelling at everyone and I'm pretty sure Tyler's parents are tired of the pain she's been inflicting on them she decided that it's there fault and all her anger is aimed at them I actually feel sorry for them but I'm sure Chase will gladly heal them, I need to get Yaretzi away from them so they can rest she's currently using whips made of leather to hit them and they are bleeding due to the open cuts from the silver blade she used.

"Hey Retzi I think that's enough what would Chase say if  she knew this is what you're doing to her parents during her absence?"

"What I do doesn't concern you your job is to find where she's being kept and get me the idiot who decided it was a good idea to betray me when you have that information report back to me clear!!" She orders, clearly annoyed but she will not talk to me like that. I know she's not in her right state of mind because all Yaretzi sees when she's mad Is red, I walked up to her and took the whip from her hands then I told Victoria to carry her and we took Yaretzi out of the room. I ordered people to take care of Tyler's parents while I sort out what's wrong with my little Alpha.

"Put her in that chair please baby" I say to my lovely Mate

"There you go my love."she says after putting Yaretzi down "now when all this is over you're going to be punished because I honestly agree with Retzi they deserve to be hurt they did worse to Chase. But your heart was in the right place. I'm still going to punish you though" my mate says then kisses my cheek while I look at her with fear and lust in my eyes.

"You better have a good reason for this Gerardo or I'll actually hurt you and Victoria will be there to watch" she growls and I visibly gulp what is it with girls and threats

"Look Retzi I get that you're mad and I promise my team is looking for her so are Aloise and Alala's units I'm sure we'll find her before the day ends tomorrow but instead of you yelling at people and abusing her parents detective up and solve the case it's always faster when you help solve the case so please Retzi be smart about this" she looks at me and sighs

"You're right I'm sorry I'll go to her house and see what I'll find, you and Victoria are coming with me you're the only back up I need also call the assassins and soldiers you trust because the moment I figure it out they are the people we are taking with us or I'll just go solo you know what I'll let you know." She says

"Yes Alpha and baby I'm sorry for whatever I did can we not do punishments please"

"Let me think about it nope" she says with an evil smirk on her face

"I'm in trouble for even trying to change your mind aren't I?"

"You know me so well my love" she says and her and Yaretzi laugh like anything's Funny.

Yaretzi's pov

I'm currently outside Chase's house in the car waiting for Victoria and Gerardo to give me the all clear so I can go inside and check the house it's been a day since I saw my baby I don't know if she's okay she's not replying to my links but I can feel the bond which is good it means she's still alive.

Gerardo linked me telling me that it's safe to enter so I did, after I entered I went straight to Chase's room to look for anything that could tell me where she was and as if the goddess knew what I wanted I smelt a sent I know all to well "Sabin did this I thought she loved me ill have her killed and feed her bones to my pets" I say to no one in particular

"Alpha" Victoria says through the link

"Yes Victoria"

"Did you catch the sent I just caught"

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