The so-called death of Charlotte Wilson

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I swung my axe through a dracanae and she wailed as she exploded into a cloud of gold dust.

I was breathing heavily. I had been fighting for hours, far away from the rest of the campers. Every time I tried to get back to the other demigods more monsters would appear.

Pain shot up my arm and I cried out. The snake woman snarled as she lashed her whip at me again. I dodged and swung my axe, cutting her through the middle and she exploded into dust.

I winced at the gash up my arm.

I was closed in on either side by buildings. The road I was on was covered in potholes and piles of monster dust, there was weapons scattered about, abandoned by the monsters I had killed.

"Hello there." A voice said behind me. I whirled around to face the smiling empousa.

I sighed. "Hello, Kelli." I adjusted my grip on the axe.

"You're quite a stubborn one, aren't you?" She mused. "You've done quite a lot of damage." She gestured to the piles of monster dust.

I stared at her warily.

Kelli smiled and began circling me. "You're tired." She cooed. "Why not just give up?"

I opened my mouth to reply and Kelli's eyes flashed. She leapt into the air as fangs burst from her gums. I sidestepped as she landed where I had been standing moments before.

She smirked. "We both know you aren't getting out of this alive." She began walking towards me.

I backed away, holding my injured arm. Kelli spread her arms as talons grew at her fingertips.

"No more snarky replies?" She raised an eyebrow. 

Her figure blurred and pain exploded in my side. I gasped and I heard her laugh behind me. I looked down at my stomach to see the long cut bleeding through my shirt. 

I turned to her and hefted my axe.

"Go on." She grinned. "Try."

I charged and swung my axe but once again she blurred out of my vision and I screamed as a gash opened on my other side. I fell to my knees.

"You're weak." Kelli tutted. "You've changed." 

She walked back into my field of vision and crouched in front of me.

"You used this to kill me last time, remember?" She picked up my axe. "How poetic it would be if I killed you with it." She traced her finger along the edge of the blade.

My vision was dimming. "They'll kill you if they find out you killed me." I spat.

She smiled down at me. "We'll deal with them later, for now..." She picked me up by the collar of my shirt. "I think a demonstration is in order."

Kelli carried me through the fighting and towards the doors to the Empire State Building. I caught glimpses of campers desperately trying to fend off Kronos's army.

Kelli looked down at me. "Your army did well. Unfortunately, it seems your 'heroes' left you in your time of need." She walked through the doors to reveal a mess of destroyed medical stations. She stepped over piles of ripped fabric and pools of liquids mixed with shattered glass.

She reached the doors to the lift and they opened with a ding. "Ready to see some friends?" She smirked.

We reached the top floor and the doors opened to a destroyed Olympus. The marble pathways were cracked and chunks were missing, houses and cafes were obliterated and any trace of life had been reduced to ash.

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