The pain of keeping a secret

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*Piper's POV*

Piper led Lottie back into the main section of the cave. Lottie had been reluctant at first but after a few minutes of gentle encouragement Piper convinced her to leave the small room.

They sat down next to the fire, Piper once again wrapping herself in blankets and passing one to Lottie.

"Where are we?" Lottie asked quietly.

"Pikes Peak." Jason said, looking at Lottie warily. "Colorado."

"But that's, what – five hundred miles from Omaha?" Piper frowned.

"Something like that." Jason shrugged. "I told you before, I harnessed the storm spirits-"

"Why are we here?" Lottie interrupted.

Leo sniffed. "That's what I asked him."

Jason gazed into the storm. "That glittery wind trail I saw yesterday? It was still in the sky, though it'd faded a lot. I followed it until I couldn't see it anymore. Then – honestly, I'm not sure. I just felt like this was the right place to stop."

"Course it is." Coach spat out some cudgel splinters. "Aeolus's floating palace should be anchored above us, right at this peak. This is one of his favourite spots to dock."

"Maybe that was it." Jason knitted his eyebrows. "I don't know. Something else, too..."

"The Hunters were heading West." Piper remembered. "Do you think they're around here?"

Jason rubbed his forearm as if the tattoos were bothering him. "I don't see how anyone could survive on the mountain right now. The storm's pretty bad-"

"I think you're underestimating how resourceful the hunters are." Lottie mumbled. "I've known them to survive in worse conditions than these."

Jason shrugged. "Either way, it's already the evening before the solstice but we didn't have much choice except to wait out the storm here. We had to give you some time to rest before we tried moving."

He didn't need to convince her. The wind howling outside the cave was not something she wanted to be in any time soon and she still couldn't stop shivering.

"We have to get you warm." Jason frowned at Piper.

Lottie glanced over and furrowed her brows. She shuffled over to Piper and held out a hand. Piper frowned but placed her own hand in Lottie's.

Lottie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, closing her eyes. She used her pointer finger on her other hand to outline the shape of crossed torches on Piper's palm and tapped it.

Immediately, Piper felt warmth rush through her limbs, racing from her palm to every part of her body. She blinked as her body slowly stopped shaking.

Lottie groaned and fell forwards. Piper caught her and hugged her tightly. "Why did you do that, you still need rest." She asked urgently.

"You looked like you were about to pass out from cold. Also, you do realise that being dunked into cold water can cause cold shock effects? It leads to a torso reflex where you start gasping making it much easier to drown." Lottie murmured, sinking into Piper's arms.

"How did you know I got dunked in the water?" Piper frowned.

"I'm a healer, it's my job to know these things." She muttered.

Leo grabbed some cooking supplies and started frying burger patties on an iron skillet. "So, guys, long as you're cuddled up for storytime... something I've been meaning to tell you. On the way to Omaha, I had this dream. Kinda hard to understand with the static and the Wheel of Fortune breaking in-"

Hypnotised (Piper McLean x OC)Where stories live. Discover now