Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

♥Sarah's POV♥

Harry is perfect. I wish I had the guts to tell him how I feel, but I doubt he feels the same. I know what I heard in the trailer that night, but I'm afraid Harry doesn't really love me and its just a crush.

I think that crushes are a waste of time and you should never go for them because they will just end. Its different with love though. Love is something that is easier experienced than it is defined. But how do you know when your in love? Is this emotion built on trust, loyalty, commitment, and most of all passion? I wouldn't be able to answer that until I experience love, but who knows when that will happen.

When I opened my eyes this morning, two green orbs were staring at me. I smiled at him, which he returned.

"Your so beautiful Sarah." Harry whispered.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

He just kept staring at me, but I didn't mind. He made me feel safe and comfortable. He was everything I could ever want. But everything I could never have.

I decided to break the silence, "So what do you wanna do today?"

Harry sat up and smiled a white grin. "Well, I was thinking I could take you shopping!"

"Really? Harry you don't hav-"

"Sarbear, I want to."

"Okay, just get out so I can get ready." I stated.

"Well I could always just stay in here" he teased.

I playfully hit him on the arm and shooed him out the door, before closing in and locking it.

I looked through my closet and finally settled down with a pair of light colored, high waisted shorts, a red shirt that ended just below my bellybutton, a cross necklace and my beloved black converse. I left my hair in its natural waves and ruffled it a bit for more volume. I applied minimal eyeliner and mascara and walked out my bedroom door.

I found Harry sitting on the couch watching TV. I sneaked up behind him to scare him, but once I got close enough, two hands grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the couch so I was laying down. Harry was now hovering over me, his left arm beside my head as he held himself up. Then, with his right hand, he tickled me.


Thank God he finally let go. I punched him in the arm before getting up and grabbing my leather bag. I ignored Harry and walked out the front door. When I got to the elevator, Harry was running after me. He got in just in time before the doors closed. I kept silent and didn't say a word to him. I wasn't mad, I was just messing with him.

"Sarbear, you know your gonna have to talk to me sooner or later."

I pretended to zip my mouth shut and turn the key.

Harry the came up and gave me a comforting hug. I unzipped my mouth and said," I don't need your hugs, I need an apology." I smiled and zipped my mouth up again.

"Okay. I'm sorry for tickling you."

"Good, I accept your apology." I teased.

We were in Forever 21 and I was trying on clothes after clothes after clothes. Harry is such a gentleman to be buying me all of this. I didn't want him spending so much money on me so I just settled for three shirts and a pair of jeans.

I walked out of the dressing room and my eyes met the cutest sundress I have ever seen. Maybe Harry won't mind waiting a little longer. He was talking to some fans anyways.

♥Harry's POV♥

I snapped a picture with a girl probably around 14 or 15. She squealed and hugged me.

"Is that girl your with your girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Erm well no, but can I tell you a secret?" She nodded excitedly. "I want her to be. I really really like her, but shhh! Don't say anything." I told the girl.

She looked excited for me to be telling her this. The girl told me we would be such a cute couple, which I greatly appreciated considering most of the fans want to rip the heads off of girls I used to date. The fan I was talking to told me she thinks Sarah would like this coral tank top, so I grabbed it and headed toward the dressing room to give it to her to try on.

"Hey Sarah, I want you to try th-" I pulled back the curtain and saw Sarah in only her bra and underwear. I have to admit, she has a very nice body. I was gawking over her figure when she screamed and pushed me out and retreated to swipe the curtains closed.

Wow. She is hot. She doesn't like me though so I think that's the last time I'll ever see her like that again. I frowned.

Sarah walked out with all of her clothes and trailed to the register. I followed behind her and took out my debit card to pay. Sarah quietly thanked me before we walked out the store's door. She didn't make eye contact with me and I'm guessing its because she was embarrassed of me seeing her half naked.

I smiled to myself remembering.

A Love That Lasts// Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now