Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

♥Sarahs POV♥

Its been nine months. Nine months since I last talked to Harry. Since we were banned from seeing each other. Since we were in love.

Each day, I see headlines talking about Harry and his new girlfriend Taylor Swift. I see them holding hands and kissing in pictures. It breaks me. He's already moved on from me while I'm still head over heals for him. He's the man I love. If I'm with him or not , I still do. He's the only person who can make me forget how to breath and make my heart beat uncontrollably in my chest.

I miss him and it kills me to see him in love with someone else. I know when I start thinking about Harry, its bad for me cause I can't help my heart from aching. I just look down at my belly and smile at my little baby growing inside me. I've gone to all my appointments but have refused to know whether my baby is a boy or a girl.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and left my apartment. As I was leaving, so was Harry. And as you know, we live in the same apartment complex so it was hard not to spot him every once in a while. Usually I just see him and give a weak smile before continuing my walking. Even though we see each other briefly, we don't speak. At all.

I locked my door and walked down the hallway. I saw that Harry was entering the elevator, So I decided to take the stairs. With each step I took, I could almost feel my baby trying to kick its way out of me. I reached the bottom of the stairs after ten minutes because I would get a really sharp pain and have to stop for a little.

I exited the apartment building and smiled at the fresh air around me. I walked and walked just enjoying the outdoors until I came upon Central Park. I entered and was immediately pleased with its refreshing nature. I spotted a bench and sat down on it. I watched the people around me.

A little boy who picked a flower for his mother.

An old couple walking hand in hand down the path.

A teenage girl trying to perfect the perfect bicycle kick.

Harry and Taylor .

Wait. Harry and Taylor. They were holding hands about 50 feet away from me. She was smiling and all cuddled up into his side. He had an expressionless face though. They kept walking together and I couldn't help but think about how quickly he had moved on. He told me he loved me. But I guess all good things don't last.

I watched as she stood in front of him and placed a sloppy kiss upon his lips. That's when I broke. I've seen it in pictures and on television, but never in person. It was too much for me to handle. I watched them through blurry eyes and thought to myself how worthless I am.

Taylor started walking toward me and I really wasn't sure what to do. I just stood there until she finally reached me with Harry behind her acting awkward.

"Hi I saw you staring and thought maybe you wanted a picture or something?" She asked.

"Oh... um, no thanks. I was just-"

"Then stop looking at my boyfriend bitch." She said and strutted away. Harry watched me, but his eyes were saying something more . I couldn't figure it out though because my eyes were filling with tears.

They were filling with tears like they have been for the past nine months..

A Love That Lasts// Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now