Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

♥Sarah's POV♥

Harry is so cute. Every single little thing he said or did just made me giggle.

We were at my apartment right now, after Harry went and got me tampons. Oh my that was hilarious.

I was really excited for Harry to be staying with me for a couple days until his water came back on. That meant I get to spend so much time with him. He told me he is gonna make it last and so am I.

We were laying on our stomachs on my bed just talking. He was telling me about his band before One Direction, White Eskimo. I loved how even before he was so big and famous, he was just a boy with a dream. I love boys with determination. Ugghh so hot.

"Harry I'm tired!" I whined. He was forcing me to stay up all night with him and frankly, I didn't want to.

"No Sarbear. You have to stay awake!" He laughed at me.

"Whatever you loser." I chuckled and played my head on his lap.

"You better not fall asleep Sar. I planned out our whole......"

I couldn't hear the rest because I just fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of soft snores.

"Harrrrr!" I cried out and threw a pillow at his face.

He didn't wake up, he just stirred around a little.

I rolled my eyes. I crawled over so I was on top of him now. I licked his face.

Harry jolted up out of bed. I started laughing hysterically. I knew that'd do the trick.

"Did you just lick my face?!" He asked surprised. I nodded. His shocked face turned to a smirk and he said,"I liked it." And licked my face back.

I screeched and rubbed off his saliva. "HARRY!" I laughed.

He was so unpredictable.

We were still laying in my bed until I decided to get up and take a shower. Once I got in I let the hot water soak my body. It was so nice.

I got out, wrapped a towel around my body, and walked out of the bathroom to find a pair of clothes for the day. When I stepped in my room Harry was fast asleep again. I rolled my eyes and crept over to him. I stood at the side of the bed and bent over to kiss his lips lightly. He inhaled deeply and kissed me back. Well I guess he is awake now!

He kept our lips connected as he slowly sat up to face me at the bedside. His warm hands caressed my cheeks and he rubbed them with his thumbs. I suddenly felt Harry's tongue try to enter my mouth. I teased him by keeping my mouth shut. I giggled. Then, I felt Harry's hand run up the inside of my bare thigh. It crept closer and closer... I gasped, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in. He roamed my mouth as I did to his. He bit my lip softly making my heart beat faster. I was standing in between his opened legs by the bed while he sat. Harry had his right hand placed on my butt when he urged my body closer to his. I leaned in and he fell back laying on the bed. I was on top of him, wrapped in only a towel. Wow. Who would have thought. Hah.

Harry tried to on fold the towel at the base of my collarbone where I had it secured. I arched back, placing my hands on his chest, propping myself up. I was practically straddling him. I laughed and shook my head at him.

"You don't get to see me naked." I giggled and got off him making my way to my dresser. I pulled out a cute and simple outfit for the day. (Side)

"Sarrrrrrraahhh" he whined.

I walked in the bathroom while saying "Suck it up, Curly." I closed the door.

I could here him laugh and get up off the bed. I quickly changed into my clothing and got our of the still-steamy-from-the-shower bathroom.

I went to the living room to find Harry sprawled across the couch. I laughed and picked up his feet, and placing them on my lap when I sat down. He looked frustrated. Was it cause I wasn't going to have sex with him right now?

"Harry what's wrong?" I questioned. "Are you mad at me cause I didn't wanna have sex?"

He looked shocked and confused.

"No baby. I would never be. I'm just angry with myself for even trying. I don't want to rush you into anything. If I'm going to fast just tell me."

Aww he's too cute. He's mad at himself for going fast.

But he wasn't really going too fast I just..

"Sarbear I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want to force you into anything. I want us to do it cause you love me not cause you feel like you have to okay?"

"Okay Harbear. Your not going too fast your just fine."

"Oh then if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you want to, ya know...?" He asked hesitantly.

"Oh Harry! I do want to. You have to know I do. But just not like that. I want our first time to be special. I want it to be romantic. Really romantic, not just sexual. Not like how it would have been in the room a minute ago." I answered.

He smiled ear to ear.

"Really? I love that. Its... so you. Its cute.

♥Harrys POV♥

Romantic and special. I'll keep that in mind.

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