Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

♥Sarah's POV♥

There was a knock at the door.

"THE BOYS ARE HERE!" I screamed and jumped up from the couch and to the door with Harry following behind.

I quickly unlocked and opened the door only to be tackled by my four best friends. Louis was the first to start the group hug of course. We pulled back so we could each get our individual hugs.

"Sarah I missed you so much!" Louis screamed in my face. Sheesh he needs to get some calm down pills.

"Sarry I had to put up with these people without you! It was horrid!" Liam faked cried. I laughed and pulled him in a tight hug.

I made a half turn and wrapped my hands around Niall and Zayn at the same time. They both exchanged words of how much they missed me and went to say hi to Harry. When they were done, Harry looked at me and yelled, "Sarbear I missed you!" And squeezed the living daylights out of me.

I pushed him back playfully and said,"Very funny Haz but I've had the displeasure of being with you this whole week." I teased and poked his cheek.

I walked into the kitchen. I yelled to the boys in the other room asking them if they wanted tea. They replied with a loud chorus of yes so I put the going water on the kettle. (A/N: I don't know how to make tea haha sorry)

While I was waiting I sat on the counter. Harry strolled up between my knees and planted a kiss right of my lips. It didn't take long for is tongue to intrude. It brushed the roof of my mouth as it swirled around exploring every inch. Our tongues worked together. My hands found there way to his curly locks as I tugged each ringlet teasingly. His digits also made an effort to the back of my head, probably screwing up my hair tremendously.

We were having a full on make out session when we heard whoops and wolf whistles. Harry and I broke apart and glared at the four other boys smiling widely at us.

"We knew this was gonna happen. You scored yourself a good one Harry." Zayn laughed.

We all cracked up.

"Hey what should we do today?" Niall asked. We all shrugged and thought about it for a minute.

"Oh I know! We should go to the fair!" I screamed practically scaring everyone. I smiled embarrassed at my accidental outburst. They all agreed so the boys waited for Harry and I to get ready because they came here dressed.

"I bet I can get ready faster than you." I challenged my boyfriend. He smiled and agreed to the competition.

"Pshh sure you can. Can't wait to see you lose." He winked and kissed my cheek. "For good luck. Your gonna need it." He added. I scoffed and counted down from three and then we were off.

I scrambled to my room to throw on a simple outfit and applied my makeup before letting my wavy blond hair down. I pulled on my favorite black converse and ran back to the living room. I was there before Harry. Ten seconds later he came running in.

"I beat you." I poked his chest. He pretended to pout so I kissed his cheek.

"Its okay Harry, I won but you still look the cutest."

"Liar. Your the cute one." He cooed.

"No your cute."

"No your cute."

"No your cute."

"No your cute."

"No your c-"

"Okay were all cute! Now let's go!" Niall piped up.

We laughed and got in the car. On the way there we listened to their CD cause I don't know any of their songs. They were so surprised and kept telling me that I lived under a rock and I kept having to tell them I've been in Africa. They just rolled their eyes and said a variety of things along the lines of "uh huh" and "sure".

When we got back from the fair all of our arms were full of toys, sweets and food. Harry won me a huge teddy bear which I named Harbear. I took all my stuff to my room and set it down. It was getting pretty late so the boys went to the hotel they're staying at, except Harry. He's still living with me "cause his water is out" but I think its fixed by now. I don't mind that he's staying though.

Once the boys all left Harry and I got into bed and cuddled together. He fell asleep very quickly so I got bored and pulled out my phone. I went onto twitter and scrolled through a couple things until I saw a tweet talking about Harry having four nipples. He does? Maybe the fans are just being weird. I'll have to ask him later. I put my phone away, snuggled up to Harry and fell into a world of blackness.

I couldn't stay asleep that night. I kept waking up every half hour and it was bothering the about out of me! I glanced over at the clock. It was only 1am.

I had my head laying on Harry's chest just listening to his heartbeat. I rested my chin on it as I turned to look at his face.

He was an angel.

I don't see how anybody can look the way he does. His perfect hair was swiped across his forehead. His perfect lips were slightly parted. His perfect green eyes were shut, though I could still see them in my memory. His perfect this, his perfect that. He's perfect.

I laid there for a while just watching him. He was quite beautiful.

I thought to myself about the tweet earlier. I giggled silently as I sat up and reached for my phone. Putting the dim light to his clothed chest a carefully reached for the bottom of his shirt. I slowly pulled it up revealing first his vline (which made me die), then his abs, and then right before I revealed his supposedly four nipples a voice freaked me out.

"Keep undressing me love" Harry's tired voice chuckled. I threw my phone out of my hands in surprise. It hit the wall and shattered.

"Geez Harry! You scared the shit out of me!" I breathed and slapped his chest which didn't seem to hurt him. "Now look at my phone!" I whined getting up and examining it.

"I'll go get you a new one tomorrow love. No worries." Harry made it all better and smiled.

"You better mister. Why did you scare me like that? I almost had a heart attack!" I said.

"Well what were you doing taking my shirt off?" He countered and raised an eyebrow cheekily.

"I...umm... w-well." I couldn't finish. I was so embarrassed.

"You could have just asked if you wanted a piece of this." He joked and pointed to himself.

"Ha. Ha. Yeah right." I said and slid back into bed.

Dammit. I didn't even get to see his nipples.


Tehe(: comment, vote, follow, tell. Yeahhh.. bye

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