Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:


♥Harrys POV♥

I woke up that morning next to my girl. This is exactly how I want to spend my life. With Sarah. She's my everything .

I silently slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I ruffled my hair and went to make some breakfast. My phone rang, making me jump in surprise. That reminded me, I have to get Sarah a new phone. I saw that the caller was Louis and picked up right away.

"Hey Boobear, what's up?" I chimed.

"Nothing much. Just calling to see how your holding up." Louis replied.

"Holding up? What do you mean?"

"Well we left you and Sarah last night, did you guys... you know.." Louis awkwardly stated.

"Lou! No!" I defensively remarked.

"Well Harry what are you waiting for? If it were any other girl, you would have had her by now."

"Well she's not like other girls Louis. She different and if I have to wait I will."

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend standing in her pajamas and messy bed hair.

I wonder how much of that conversation she heard. Probably not much.

♥Sarahs POV♥

Wait... I'm keeping Harry waiting? Am I going too slow for him?

I tried pushing the thought behind me but I just couldn't. Harry has been so patient with me and has done so much for me. Have I even done anything to repay him?

"Hey baby. Did you sleep well?" Harry interrupted my thoughts.

I slowly nodded.

"Is something wrong?" He asked concerned. It killed me how he was so loving toward me and I haven't done anything in return.

"Yeah Har, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go get ready. I'm going out for the day." I said and walked back into my room.

He nodded and I quickly went to my room to get ready. Once I had my outfit on and my self together, I raced outside and got in my car. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the mall, but it seemed like forever.

I grabbed my wallet and went to Soma. I was greeted by a nice woman who asked if I needed any assistance. Something like this, I have no experience in so I agreed to her aid .

I told Delia all about Harry and what he likes and she helped me pick out the sexiest outfit. I tried it on in the dressing room and even though it wasn't my normal attire, I still bought it and got home as quickly as possible.

"Harbear, I'm here!!" I shouted across my apartment.

My boyfriend waltzed in and kissed my cheek. Blood rushed to the area. Even though it was something as simple as that, I still got butterflies when he did it.

I told Harry that I would be back in a minute and he only protested a little before I made my way to the bathroom.

I threw on my outfit in no time. It was a red play suit with black strips connecting the top to the bottom. It was black lacy and overall sexy. I hope that Harry will be impressed, but I just don't know.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I slowly walked to the living room to find Harry engrossed in a game of football. He hadn't noticed my entrance until I stood right in front of him.

A Love That Lasts// Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now