Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

♥Sarah's POV♥

Harry Styles. His name was on my mind the rest of the day but I don't know why. Sure he was cute, but he had a career ahead of him and I was just some loser from the U.S. who didn't stand a chance with someone like him.

I discovered that he would be helping out at the school with me for the next 2 weeks. I was extremely distracted because while I was trying to teach the lesson, Harry was staring at me. Checking me out I presume. Ha, right, who am I kidding? But he was still staring for some reason. I don't understand why because I was nothing special to look at. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those whiny attention whores who call themselves ugly just so they can be showered in compliments. I don't think I'm ugly... I just don't think I'm pretty. Every girl has her insecurities.

When school ended I hugged all the children and bid them my farewells. I had to admit, the kids loved me. After today, I think they feel the same toward Harry too. They were so precious and each one of them had so much potential to be something great.

When I finished saying my goodbyes, I turned on my heel to grab my leather satchel which contained my things and headed out the door. A strong hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around. Harry. We were so close our chests were touching. I backed up slightly still holding his gaze. His eyes were breathtaking. They were bright green. I couldn't help my gaze travel down to his torso. His white tshirt was partially see through and I noticed his toned abs.

I quickly got myself back together and looked at his face. He was holding a smirk on his lips, that cheeky bastard.

"Like what you see?" He said. I scoffed and just brushed past him.

I tried to ignore him but he kept pulling me back by my waist.

"Wait Sarah, what's wrong?"Harry asked as if he was innocent.

"Wow. What's wrong? Your a huge flirt and you won't let me go back home."

"I can't help it, sexy. Woops! See I do it by accident without even realizing!" He replied.

When I heard that sentence. My heart dropped. I thought he could possibly be different, but I was wrong. He was just like every other boy, only wanting to get in my pants. First staring and my ass then calling me sexy. Who does he think he is! Oh wait, he's "Harry Styles." Apparently he is super famous and from what I can tell his ego is huge.

I just ignored him and stormed off.

I was walking down the dirt path to my trailer I brought here to Africa with me. It was pretty big and roomy. I reached my safe place away from Harry and slammed the door behind me. I plopped down on the bed. Today was frustrating.

♥Harry's POV♥

I think I should tone down the flirting with Sarah. She doesn't seem to appreciate it. Any other girl would love for Harry Styles to flirt with them, but Sarah isn't like other girls. She's way better.

I followed Sarah down the road without her even noticing. She got to a trailer, stepped in, and slammed it. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. This time I banged on it like crazy.

"Nobody's home!" Sarah yelled from inside.

"Sarah I'm not stupid, I saw you go in there."

"Well I don't open my door to strangers. So go away."

I tried the door knob. It turned easily and I laughed at her failure to lock it. I stepped in and saw her laying on her back on a bed. She glared up at me when I closed the door. I just sat down next to her.

"Look, I'm sorry for acting like that. I really want to get to know you so can you please stop ignoring me?"

She looked up at me confused. Her eyes big.

"Y-you want to get to know.. me?" She said pointing to herself.

"Well of course I do. You are the only girl who hasn't seen me and screamed or fainted. Its nice knowing someone who will like me for Harry Styles, the cheeky lad, and not for Harry Styles, the celebrity."

"Ok. I guess I won't ignore you anymore. Sorry."

"Good. Now I want to know everything about you, so go ahead." I said gesturing for her to start.

"Everything? Ok, well... I'm 19 years old, originally from Arizona, which is in America. I grew up there until my parents and sister died when I was about 9." She was clearly struggling to hold back her emotions. I let her continue.

"I was sleeping over at my friends house that night. When I got back the next day, police cars surrounded the area and I was so confused and scared. I walked inside excited to tell my sister how much fun I had at Hannah's house. My sister was my role model. I loved her so much. I wanted to grow up and be just like her. The investagators came to the conclusion that my house was robbed and the thieves killed my family in the process. My aunt took custody of me and I moved to Doncaster with her and my uncle. I pretty much just grew up with her until I got my own flat an hour or two away.

I could see the painful tears roll down her cheeks as she remembered her depressing childhood and I suddenly felt bad for asking. I sat there awkwardly. I told her I was sorry for the loss of her family, but she assured me it was fine. I engulfed her in a tight protective hug anyways. There's something special about this girl. Can I be falling for her this quickly?

After school each day for the next week, me and Sarah would hang out. We spent hours and hours together. We instantly became best friends and spent so much time together. Nothing was weird between at all. We talked about anything and everything and soon enough we knew every detail of each others lives.

We were in her trailer as usual, I was laying my head in her lap as she played with my curls. It was soothing. I decided I wanted her to meet the boys so I asked her.

"I don't know Harry. What if they don't like me? Or what if I just act all awkward around them? I don't think its such a good idea."

"Sarah, they'll love you! You'll be instant friends with the lads, I'm certain of it. They get along with everyone."

"But I don't! I'm not going to meet them, sorry."

"Yes you will. Or else." I said sitting up to face her.

"Or else wha-" I cut her off by tickling her. Sarah squirmed away and fell back onto the bed, my fingers still glued to her sides. I placed my knees on either side of this beautiful girl's waist and continued tickling her. She was laughing hysterically. I love her laugh. I gave me goose bumps.

I was distracted too long and Sarah rolled us over so she was now straddling me instead. She looked down at me and smiled a sneaky smile to herself. She looked into my eyes and leaned down. Is she going to kiss me? I closed my eyes and leaned in. All of a sudden I felt the bed dip. I opened my eyes to see she had gotten of the bed. She was laughing to herself.

"You honestly thought I was going to kiss you?" She smirked at me.

"Your mean. Can I please have a kiss?"

"No way Harold."

"Fine. Suit yourself." I exclaimed and sprung up from the bed and began tickling her again.

"Are you going to meet my friends now?" I slyly said.


I tickled her harder.

"F-fine! I-i'll... meet t-them!" She said in between laughs.

Finally. My friends get to meet the girl of my dreams.


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