Chapter 7: Sugar-Honey-Iced-Tea

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Sitting on his white shaggy rug, Nathan and Scarlet watched the empty night sky.

"Any other dark secrets?" questioned Scarlet.

"You're cute but we both know that it's your turn,"  Nathan replied.

"Finneeee," Scarlet groaned as she stretched her legs out. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about your childhood."


"There are no passes, Ms. Stevens."

"So, now we're back to a last name basis?"

"Yes, now spill," he laughed.

"So I can't get a different question?"

"I didn't skip your question, even though I wanted to at first."

"I would have let you," Scarlet replied as she smiled widely in hopes that he would fall for it.

"No passes or skipping of questions. Those are the rules."

"Says who?"

"Says . . . . the rule makers."

"Well then I'm formally protesting them!"

"Protest denied."

"Informal protest!"

"Denied. Come on, Scarlet we're just enacting a scene from The Big Bang Theory at this point."

Scarlet looked away.

They sat in silence as the tick of his analog clock filled the void.


No response

He watched her as she sat comfortably in his over-sized sweats. Her wet wavy hair was now in a messy bun as a few tendrils hung around her face. Her soft cheeks were flushed as they usually were when she was filled with emotions. He thought back to how warm her body was when she hugged him and the scent of her coconut shampoo. He would do anything to touch her again. She then brought her slender fingers up and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ears. She did so anytime she was deep in thought. Nathan's eyes followed the tips of her fingers as they grazed her cheeks. He wanted to do the same. That was the last straw. He would do the same.

Running his index finger from the base of her chin to the tip, Nathan brought her face a few centimeters from his.

"Scarlet, I was just joking. I'll accept your protest. We don't have to talk about anything that you don't want to."

His close proximity made Scarlet flush more, if that was even possible.

"Okay," was all that Scarlet managed to let out. His scent, his chocolate eyes, the feel of his skin against her, the softness of his sweats, and the warmth that radiated off of him was all too overwhelming to her senses. She was now looking at him in a way that he wish she didn't.

"Okay," he repeated as he brought her chin closer to him and placed feather-light kisses up along her jaw.

Scarlet let out a small gasp. He wasn't sure if her gasp was one of discomfort or pleasure. He hoped for the latter.

"Scarlet . . . . stop . . . . . me," he whispered in between his soft kisses as he made his way back down.

His warm lips seared a path from her chin to her neck as his breath fanned her skin.

Scarlet shifted her head to the side accepting his kisses as her hands ran through his damp hair. She felt a smile dance on his lips as she did. It was then that she realized her eyes were closed when the beeping sound of an alarm went off in the distance. She was dreaming. Scarlet fought off the  urge to open her eyes in fear that this moment would end. The beeping continued.

"Mmmmmm," protested Nathan. Was he hearing the alarm too?

Scarlet had hoped that the alarm would cease it's shrill ringing because she didn't want his passionate kisses to stop. She would miss the warmth all too much, but then abruptly the kisses stopped and the alarm followed. Scarlet's eyes shot open. She hadn't been dreaming.

 "Hello?" Nathan raggedly spoke to the person on the other line. "Anabel, I just got home. I'll call you later, okay?"

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. He has a girlfriend. I MET HER. She was super nice. What did I just do? He's my boss and I . . . I NEED TO LEAVE.

Scarlet, stood up and made a beeline for her shoes and purse. She then ran at the speed of light out the door and into the elevator. Scarlet frantically pressed the buttons as she saw Nathan running down the corridor after her.

"Scarlet! Stop! Wait! Where are you going?!"

"I'm so sorry," Scarlet replied as the doors closed right before he reached them.

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