Chapter 8: Post-War

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Scarlet woke up to the sun filling her room with a heavenly glow. She pulled her blanket off of her and stretched to bring her limbs back to life. Swinging her legs out of the bed Scarlet faced the mirror. Staring back at her was a girl wearing a pair of grey sweats. They were a reminder of her horrible mistake. She kissed her boss and she had done so when he had a girlfriend. Scarlet needed advice. Pronto. She decided to pick up her phone and dial Rose.

Scarlet and Rose met in college during orientation and they instantly hit it off. They were closer than friends and kept in touch even after college. They shared an apartment for a while when they were both seniors and even a little after they both graduated. Scarlet was the first to move out because of her new job. She needed a place in the city that would cut travel time.

Rose picked up after the second ring. "Hello?"

Relief surged over Scarlet.

"Rose, I'm so glad to hear your voice. It's Scarlet, are you busy right now?" 

"No, not at all."

"I think—no—I did do something wrong and I need your advice."

"You're scaring me. What happened? Please tell me this phone call isn't coming from prison."

Scarlet laughed, "No, but I wish that was my situation."

"Wow, you joking about prison? That's more my department. Hun, what happened?"

Scarlet spoke faster than a kid on a sugar high, "I kissed my boss, and he has a girlfriend."

"You what? I'm sorry I don't think I caught that or maybe my hearing's gone bad."

"I know it's crazy and I know that it was SUPPERR wrong. I don't know what to do or how to fix this."

"Well, there's nothing you can do. It happened and now you have to live with it. Don't hide from the consequences, god forbid that there are consequences, because things will get worse if you do. You need to straighten things out with him."

"I have to talk to him?"

"Yes, hun, what are you going to do? He's your boss after all."

"I could hire someone to be my stand-in at work."

"Does your job pay enough for that?"

"No . . . oh, what if I buy one of those robots that deliver packages around the office but instead it delivers my work and records my meetings?"

"No, hun, talk to him. Okay?"

"Fine, if you think I should but my robot plan is very legit."

"Good. So, how did this happen?"

"He found me in Costco's parking lot kicking my car like a mad woman because I managed to get locked out. At that point my phone, keys and umbrella were all inside of my car. He drove me all over the city and even to Queens to get my spare keys from my parents but they were upstate for the weekend so no luck there. He even took me to Violet's but she's in Paris so no luck there again. He then drove me to his penthouse and forced me to stay because it was still pouring and he refused to let me get arrested for breaking into my parent's house. He gave me a room, warm clothes, let me shower, cooked me dinner and shared a part of his life he doesn't openly speak of. Then we. . . we kissed."

There was a pause before Rose spoke, "Scarlet that was so romantic and sweet. It was like a chapter right out of a novel. You don't find guys like that anymore," raved Rose, "I'd be rooting for him if he wasn't a cheater."

Then Rose asked the question that was haunting Scarlet. The big elephant in the room. The question that needed to be asked. "Do you think he did that to get with you?"

"I don't know," Scarlet replied in a whisper.

"Does he know that you know he has a girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

"Does he strike you as the playboy type?"

"No, not at all. He's the genuine kind and he's sweet."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, he hasn't showed me any other side."

"Okay, good. I would have hunted him down and flayed him right on the spot if you had said no. Hun, if he ever tries anything with you again call me ASAP and I'll make him disappear like Houdini. Okay? Because, no one treats you like crap or like you're another item on a list. He better make up for stealing your first kiss! I hope at least he was a good kisser."

Scarlet laughed, "You know how to flay someone?"

"Well, no, not exactly but how hard can it be?"

"I'll let you handle the flaying since threats are also up your department," Scarlet joked, "And I don't know if he's a good kisser. We didn't go that far."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we never kissed on the lips . . ."

"I'm lost. He never kissed you on the lips?"

"He kissed me on my chin and neck."

"Ohhhhhhhh, then, hun, you didn't do anything wrong. He kissed you. Your lips weren't involved in this, his were. He's the bum who cheated on his girlfriend. You broke the kissing off. That's a good thing. You shouldn't be stressed or worried in any way."

Scarlet realized that Rose was right but she didn't feel completely better about the events that took place. She knew she had her part in it all and would soon have to face Nathan.

"Rose, are you free this afternoon? We could have lunch and maybe go see a movie?"

"Oh, I'd love to, hun. I'm already planning my outfit," Rose giggled, "I can't wait to see you! How's 1:30?"

Scarlet looked at her alarm clock. 10:03

"Sounds perfect."

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