Chapter 17: Mission Impossible Pt. 2

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Scarlet spent the rest of the day working on reports, as did everyone else. Nathan was no where to be found by the time Scarlet got back, which was disappointing. She had hoped he would be in his office working like his usual self, but it had appeared that the fight he had with Daniel took a toll on him. So she thew herself into her work and soon, before she knew it, it was 5 o' clock. Workers packed their bags and met up by the elevator. Most would head down to the bar on 5th ave, while others decided to go home to their families.
Scarlet looked up at the sound of a knock at her door.
"S, you coming out for drinks?"
Asked Jane from accounting.
"Um, no, sorry not tonight."
Jane frowned but didn't push any further.
"Okay, but if you change your mind come by Ugly Coyotes. They're having a special tonight," Jane gave Scarlet a wink before making her way down the hall.
Scarlet always turned down drinks on Friday nights. She would much rather go visit Violet and spend the night.
Wait, Scarlet thought, is Violet even in New York?
She picked up her cell and dialed Violet. The line rung but eventually went to voicemail. Scarlet hung up. She had no plans for tonight it had seemed.
* * *
5:43. Scarlet turned off her computer, grabbed her bag and headed down to the elevator.
"Bye, Hubert!" She called after the overnight Janitor.
"Have a good weekend, Ms. Stevens."
"You too!" She replied.
Scarlet turned the corner as the elevator doors started to close.
"Hold the elevator!"  Scarlet ran down the hall shouting. Thankfully it was Kim who held the elevator and waited for her.
"Thank you so much, Kim." Scarlet huffed. Wow, she thought, I really need to exercise more.
"Where are you rushing off to?"
Kim asked politely.
"Oh, no where. I just want to get home before the rain starts pouring. I have a long drive home as it is. I'm trying to beat the Manhattan traffic that comes with rain."
"I see," Kim replied, "so, no plans so far?"
"Nope, well, maybe. That all depends on whether or not my best friend answers her phone. What about you?"
"I'm going by Nathan's."
"Really? Why?" Scarlet asked.
"He hasn't been in since this morning and he hasn't answered my phone calls. He's not acting like himself. I'm worried."
"I am too," Scarlet confessed, "I believe he had a fight with Daniel."
Kim's facial expression suddenly changed to one of disappointment, "Those two don't know how to act like grown men. All they do is fight like little boys. What happened this time?"
Scarlet was shocked at Kim's random outburst. It was very unlike her.
"Well, sadly I don't know. I only know that Daniel resents Nathan for some odd reason and they've finally had it out."
Kim burst out into laughter, "Hun, don't worry, okay? Those two will never separate. They've been through too much together. They may quarrel but in the end they always go back to each other. They're brothers. That's what family does."
Ding! The elevator doors opened and they parted ways. Scarlet was left to mull over what Kim said to her. Strangely, she felt a sense of relief.
* * *
Scarlet, made it home right before the rain and she was eternally grateful to the traffic gods. 6:25. Scarlet showered, pulled her hair into a bun and put on her cotton pajamas. By now the rain had started its assault on her window pane. Feeling tired Scarlet threw herself onto her couch and grabbed hold of her remote. It was time to catch up on all the shows she recorded on her DVR. Scarlet selected How to Get Away with Murder and pressed 'play' when suddenly she heard a thud outside her door, or maybe it was a clunk. It was 7:00 pm on a Friday night and Violet was out of town. Scarlet had no other possible visitors, except her parents, who would have certainly called before they showed up. Scarlet slowly rose from her couch and grabbed hold of her tv remote. It was better than nothing, okay? She approached the door cautiously and eyed the locks. Thank god she remembered to chain the door. Scarlet very carefully leaned toward the peep hole and looked through it. On the other side she saw nothing but the hallway leading down to the elevator shaft and the stairs. Scarlet was beyond frightened. The loud thump was human size and not the community cat seeking refuge from the rain. Scarlet was about to call the police when she heard it again. This time she hastily made her way to the peep hole and peered through. It was a man . . . or maybe a woman in a deep navy blue raincoat, hunched over near her door. They were possibly drunk and most certainly lost. Scarlet decided to not call the police. Scarlet pulled the door open the blue coat stranger went flying backwards. He was leaning on the door before she opened it. Thump
"Jesus, Scarlet!" Nate wined.

"Oh my god! Nathan, what are you doing here?" Scarlet offered to help him up but Nathan declined her offer. He just laid on the floor.

"I don't know."

Scarlet threw her hands on her hips, "what do you mean you don't know?"

"The cabbie asked me, 'where to?', and so I gave him your address."


"Well, after the bartender refused to give me anymore drinks I got mad so his little bitch henchmen kicked me out of the bar. Can you believe that? I could buy out that whole goddamn bar if I wanted to. I was good business. Anyways, after that I had no where else to go. I think they took my keys or maybe I miss placed them. I really don't know." Nathan pushed himself off of the floor and sat up against the wall. Scarlet glared down at the man before her. He was a terrible mess.
"Well, you're too drunk to send home all by yourself, aren't you?"

"I don't know, am I?" Nathan tried to get up but his poor attempt was barely enough to get him off the floor.
"Nate, what am I going to do with you?"
Nathan looked up at Scarlet. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, she had her glasses on, and was dressed in pale blue cotton pajamas. She couldn't have looked anymore perfect.
"Scarlet, you . . . you're, wow."
Scarlet looked down at Nate in a confused manor. "Wow? What are you talking about?"

Nathan let out a soft but low scoff, "nothing."
"How do you feel, Nate?"

"Like I had too much to drink."
Scarlet laughed, "Well I think we can both confirm that. You look like hell."

"I do?" Nathan looked down at himself. "I think it's cus my clothes are wet."

"Wait, were you out in the rain?" Scarlet quickly bent down and placed the back of her hand on his forehead. "Oh, thank god. You don't have a fever. You're just sloppy drunk."

Nathan removed Scarlet's hand from his forehead. Her touch would leave a lingering sensation whenever they were alone. Nathan wasn't sure whether that was normal.

"Take your coat off and I'll bring you a towel, okay?"

Scarlet waited for Nathan to reply. "Nate, okay?"

"Yes," he finally answered. Nate was present but his mind was somewhere else. Somewhere in the past.

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