Chapter 20: Things Change

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Nate listened intently as Scarlet revealed the truth behind her sleepless nights.
"And you've never seen her since? She just vanished?" Nate questioned as he inspected the polaroids she gave him. Scarlet was a carbon copy of the young woman in both.
"Pretty much. Even a professional PI couldn't find her."
Nate swiftly stood and began to search his pockets, "Where is my--"
"I put your phone, wallet and keys in the bowl near the door because your coat was soaking wet."
As Nate made his way to his belongings Scarlet watched him inquisitively.
Nathan unlocked his phone and dialed a number he happened to know by head.
"Sanchez? It's Thane. Look, I need a favor . . ." Nathan trailed off as he took the phone call outside.
Scarlet waited for Nate to return. She had a hunch as to who was on the other side of that phone call. Once Nate returned she would explain to him how pointless hiring another PI would be. She didn't want to see Nate throwing his money away over nothing. He too had to accept the fact that her mother was erased from life and would remain that way.
The sound of her door clicking shut pulled Scarlet from her deep thought.
Nate was back and smiling a bit much for a man with a hangover.
"Okay, you can stop smiling now," Scarlet joked, "It's honestly a bit scary."
"A friend of mine is coming to visit. I want you to meet him. We go way back."
"I'm glad for you, but why am I meeting him?"
"Well, because he works for the United States government and I've just told him about your missing mother. He says he can be here in the morning. He's going to help find your mom, Scarlet."
Nate waited for Scarlet to jump in the air and thank him with a hug but all she did was stare at him. Her body was stiff as a board. "Scarlet?"
"My mom?" Those were the only words that left Scarlet's mouth. Thoughts were rushing through her mind at such a pace that she couldn't even put together a proper sentence. Shock had taken her over.
Nate walked into the kitchen and cupped Scarlet's face with his hands. He looked down at her and whispered,
"I promise that we'll find her. Okay?"

* * *
Scarlet laid wrapped in her sheets with one leg braced against the wall. The strong aroma of coffee assaulted her nose and somewhere in the distance she could hear two people. Both individuals had deep masculine voices and they happened to be laughing...a lot.
Did I leave the tv on again?
"Scarlet? Are you awake yet?" A voice called out. Scarlet's eyes opened and she shot up. As her sleepy state left all the memories of the night before slowly started to return. The voices were Nate and his mystery friend.
"I'm awake," Scarlet called out to the best of her abilities. She threw the sheets off of her and ran into the bathroom. Looking at her raccoon eyes and the nest sitting on her head, Scarlet groaned.
She only had a few minutes to look presentable. She couldn't believe Nate didn't wake her up any sooner. Now, they were waiting on her and she hated it. Scarlet brushed her teeth, took the quickest shower possible, combed her hair and threw on the most casual yet professional outfit. Twenty minutes later she made her way to the kitchen with a welcoming smile on her face.
"Scarlet!" Nathan exclaimed as he stood up from the couch and extended a hand. "This is Ronald. Ronald, this is my good friend and hardworking employee, Scarlet Stevens."
Scarlet walked through the kitchen and into the living room to greet Ronald.
Ronald was tall, lightly tanned, brown eyed, with pitch black hair. Well, as dark as a buzz cut could be.
"It's nice to meet you," Scarlet said with an awkwardly smile. Social anxiety was filling her to the brim.
"So, what do you do, Ronald?" Scarlet asked to fill the silence.
"Well, I'm an special agent down at the Bureau."
"You're an FBI agent?"  Scarlet was astonished.
"Yes," Ronald answered with a bit of a chuckle.
"So, what have you found Ronald?" Nate asked, cutting to the chase.
"Well," Ronald pulled a file from his bag before continuing, "it looks pretty cut and dry. But I don't know how to put this," he explained with an apologetic look.
"What do you mean?" Scarlet knew good news wasn't ahead.
"Your mom is alive and well Scarlet. It's--"
Scarlet couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mom was alive and well and she wanted to meet her. Scarlet didn't care why she left or where she went. She was just happy that her mom was still around. Explanations could be done later and that's all that mattered.
"Where is she?" Scarlet asked with eager.
"Scarlet, it's not that easy. There's more. This is a serious issue. I know this shouldn't be coming from a stranger but you need to know." Ronald locked eyes with Scarlet before continuing. "Scarlet, your father's not the man you think he is. He's not your father."
"Wait, what?" Scarlet was beyond confused.
"Scarlet, your father is a doctor, correct?"
"Yes, but what does this have to do with anything?"
"About 30 years ago your father met your biological mom at a fertility clinic. He was her doctor. At first he seemed like the average caring specialist but he soon grew to have an obsession with your mom. The day you were born you were born with a twin. You have a brother Scarlet. His name is Ian. Ronald took a photo from the file and slid it across the coffee table. "Up until last night no one knew you survived. According to the hospital report, which we're assuming he falsified, you were a still born. He took you Scarlet, he changed your name and claimed you as his child. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way."
"Wait, how did you find out who I was? How do you know this is true?"
"Well, I looked up your mother's name, the one Nate sent me, but nothing came up. Nothing at all and that was unusual, very unusual. I then decided to look into your father. That's when everything came up. The restraining order gave me your mother's real name. At first, I didn't know she was your mother, not until I saw her photo. I didn't think it was a coincidence that she was identical to you. The photo Nate sent showed your splitting resemblance. That's when I saw her medical records and it was only a matter of putting the pieces together."
"What about the photos I have of my mom and I? What about all the stuff I have?"
Scarlet retrieved her mother's jewelry box from her bag and passed it to Ronald.
After a few moments of going through the belongings Ronald looked back at Scarlet, "Scarlet, he must have stolen this. And this picture of you and your mother seems too old to be you. I don't know how he got these."
Tears began to roll down Scarlet's cheeks.
Nate pulled Scarlet into a tight hug, allowing her to cry into his chest.
Things would no longer be the same for Scarlet. She didn't even know if she believed what she was hearing.

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