Chapter 19: Chamomile?

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Note: Babes, I'm soo sorry for not updating sooner. College applications are really a struggle and so are AP classes (>_>) THANK YOU FOR READING ON <3 Scarlet and Nate love you for it (:*)




Nathan sat in a pool of what appeared to be water, his vision blurred as he faded in and out of consciousness. Perhaps whiskey neat wasn't a good choice. Nathan felt like trash. His head was fuzzy, he couldn't stand anymore, and everything moved so slowly. It felt like his limbs were being weighed down by an invisible force and for some reason he couldn't figure out where he was. The wooden floors he sat on seemed foreign. They were nothing like the carpet floors he used to lay on during times like these. They weren't soft and pale blue. The air wasn't lightly vanilla scented and the room didn't give off a cozy feel. Gentle hands weren't soothing him to sleep like they used to. He could not feel the all too knowing brush of long black strands of hair on his cheeks, as the owner would bend down and whisper, "Close your eyes, Nate. It's okay to sleep now. I've got you." And last but not least, soft, warm lips didn't press against his forehead as he allowed the fuzzy state to pull him into a deep slumber. Instead, he sat on a cold wooden floor in a pool of water, with his head braced against a wall, which was all that supported his heavy body. Nate fought against the slow but definite state of slumber that was consuming him piece by piece until he finally gave in.

The all too familiar scent of vanilla called Nate back from the darkness that consumed him. Gentle warmth replaced the cold and brought his limbs back to life. Nate stirred in his sleep, rolling over from the left to the right. He soon began to realize that he was no longer braced against a solid wall but rather cushions. Nate's eyes slowly opened to reveal darkness. He looked around slowly, as his body permitted. He had moved from the wall next to the door to a couch, with pillows under his head, and blankets piled on top of him. Rummaging in the background soon pulled his attention. Nate had no clue as to where he was. The damn place was too dark to even give him the slightest clue. The only source of light was coming from behind the couch. Nate pulled the blankets off of him and stood up. Behind the couch was the kitchen. In the kitchen stood a wavy haired girl that looked all too familiar.

Scarlet rummaged through the fridge for cream, until a raspy voice pulled her attention away. "Scarlet?" Nate called out.

"Did I wake you?" She asked apologetically.

"I'm glad you did. I should get going." Nate began to look around for his belongings.

"I don't mind at all," Scarlet offered. She could tell that Nate wasn't having his best day. She had never seen him drunk, which could mean one of two things; either he was really good at masking being drunk or he rarely got drunk. "Honestly, this means that we're even," Scarlet added.

Nate smiled, "You sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Plus, how will you get home? It's not safe for you to take a cab in this condition and I can't get a hold of Anabel. She--"

"You called Ana? Why?" Nate questioned.

"You kept saying her name in your sleep. I just thought that meant that you wanted her to come get you."

Nate walked over and took a seat on a stool in the kitchen. "She's always been there for me during hard times. I think it was my subconscious calling out for her. "

"Anabel is probably the equivalent to my friend Violet--tea?"

Nate gave Scarlet a slight nod. He could use something warm to help soothe the jackhammers in his head.

"It's camomile. It'll help with the hangover."

"Thank you," Nathan said as he took a sip. He placed the cup down and took a look around the small penthouse. It was adorned with bay windows that overlooked the slow Manhattan traffic.

"Your view is amazing, Scarlet. But why's it still dark? I couldn't have been asleep for an entire day, right?" Nate questioned.

Scarlet laughed, "Well, no you haven't. It's 4:30 in the morning. You've been asleep for only a few hours."

"Oh okay. Good," Nate focused his attention on Scarlet again. "So, why are you up? It's 4:30."

Scarlet's smiled faded. She walked over to the fridge and returned the bottle of cream. "I haven't been sleeping all too sound lately."

"And why's that?"

Scarlet sighed, "I don't know and it doesn't really matter anyways. All I need is a warm cup of camomile and I'm fast asleep again." Scarlet offered a slight smile but Nathan knew something was wrong. He could tell. Nate took hold of Scarlet's wrist which stopped her from taking the empty mug sitting in front of him. Nathan asked again, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm overworked," she joked.

Nate still held firmly on to her wrist. "Scarlet, tell me the truth. What's wrong?"

Scarlet looked down as warmth filled her cheeks and tears swelled in her eyes. "Oh wow. This is definitely not how I pictured this night going. I can't believe this."

Nate stood and made his way around the kitchen isle to wipe the tears that trickled down Scarlet's face. Although it was pitch dark he knew they were there.

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