chapter twenty six

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Rex lay in the bed, his shirt had been cut off most of the blood and dirt still clinging to his naked chest.

Flora sat near his legs on the side of the bed, watching his chest rise and fall unevenly.

"A lesser man would've died out there." The doctor said from the doorway.

"Thanks for the house call," Jake pressed a wad of hundreds into the doctors hand.

"I still think a few nights in the hospital is the best course of action."

"No, he won't go. Believe me, it's not a good idea."

"Jake, can I be honest and a little bit blunt?" The doctor asked.

"Of course."

"He should have died out there, walking almost two miles in that condition defies logic other than a primal need to survive. If he makes it through the next few days, I'll breathe easier, but...right now, even in a hospital, it could go either way."

"I appreciate your honesty and your... discretion."

"Of course."

The doctor tipped his cowboy hat at Flora, who barely noticed he was leaving.

Jake walked over to stand beside the bed, looking down at Rex.

"He's a strong man, He'll be okay."

She gave a nod, her eyes not leaving Rex for even a moment.

"I need to get back up to the house. I don't like leaving Ruby alone."

"No, I understand, go."

"Call me if there's any change or you need anything."


He walked slowly to the door, glancing back at her before settling his own hat on his head and exiting their home.

In the silence, she felt suffocated with her surroundings.
Rex was her savior. He was untouchable.
Now, he was laying in their bed, looking nothing like the man she'd spent the night with.

She stood moving to the bathroom. She filled a small basin with warm, soapy water and a washcloth.

When she returned, she moved the blankets off his body, leaving him in only his boxers she began washing the blood and dirt carefully off of him.
Keeping her hands busy helped keep her mind from replaying what the doctor listed as his injuries.

She was finishing up with his left arm when he moved slightly. His left leg shifting and his eyes slowly fluttered open, a little unfocused as they looked at her.

"Flora?" His voice was hoarse.

"Sh, I'm here. Don't try to talk."

He gripped her wrist in his hand. His grip, surprisingly strong for how battered his body was.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his breathing labored, his eyes falling closed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. You're safe now," she promised.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise," He said.

She bit her lip, blinking back tears and laying her free hand on his chest. Hie heart pounding beneath her palm, his chest straining with each labored breath.

"I know," she replied.

"My horse."

"Jake was calling Roy to have him look for her."

"Lay with me," He tugged on her arm.


"Please, just lay with me."

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