Chapter seventeen

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As the sun set, the other cowboys retired to the bunkhouse.
Mr. Wilder, who was insisting Flora, called him Jake, who stood near the main house next to Ruby.

"Thank you for everything,"Rex said, offering Jake his hand.

Jake shook his head and pulled the larger man in for a tight hug.

"You've grown into a good man," Jake said.

"If I did, it's because of you and Roy and Miss Ruby."

Ruby gave Flora a hug and quick kiss on the cheek.

"Give him a chance, and if you need me, I'm right here."

Jake shook her hand, giving her a warm smile.

"I hope you like the house, it's not much but it's yours."

"Thank you."

Rex took her hand in his leading her from the large main house and the yard.

She followed him silently, down the sweeping hill towards what looked like a desolate tree line.

Her heart sped up, her stomach turning the last time she braved these woods alone with a man she had not faired well, and Rex was twice the size of Colby.

Then, a small log cottage came into view. It was nestled into the tree line, a large wrap around porch.
A small stream ran behind it, the front porch faced back towards the main house.

It was plain and simple but had the potential to be a home.

When they reached the porch, Rex paused. He glanced at Flora.

"Am I supposed to carry you inside or... something?" He asked.

"No, that's okay."

"Jake... Mr. Wilder doesn't realize this is a fake marriage, so..." He motioned at the small house.


"I know it's not much, but you can fix it up, do whatever you'd like, just...bring me the receipts."

She gave a small nod as they both stood awkwardly on what was now their front lawn.

"We best get inside before the coyotes come out," He said.

He walked across the front porch and opened the door stepping inside, and she dutifully followed.

Inside the cabin was more spacious than she thought.

It was a single story, immediately to the left of the door was a large king size bed, near the foot of it was a leather couch and TV, large windows taking up most of the wall behind the TV.
Straight ahead, a bar separated the kitchen from the living room with stools lining the living room side.
A small but clean kitchen on the other side.
A small hallway was to her left with a door she guessed led to the bathroom.
Near the furthest wall sliding glass doors led out to the porch on the back of the cabin where the stream rushed nearby.

She stepped inside, and Rex closed the door behind her, hanging his hat on a hook near the door.

She walked into the kitchen, opening a cabinet and the fridge to find everything full stocked.

"I'm guessing Ruby had a hand in all this," Rex said from the living room as he glanced at some throw pillows and a large blanket on the couch.

"She's wonderful," Flora said softly, turning a vase of flowers on the kitchen counter.

"They're good people."

She walked into the living room just as he started to remove his jacket and boots.

"You can have the bed, I'll be fine here on the couch."

"No, that's okay."

"No, I don't mind."

"You're my husband, and I know you need your rest...

"Flora, you didn't even want kissed at the altar... I can't lay in a bed next to you."

She watched him a minute, and he sighed, running a hand through his dark curls.

"This marriage is...paper only. There's no reason for us to be anything but friends. Sleeping together it complicates things. I'm still a man...honey, I can't sleep next to you."


"I would appreciate a hot pot of coffee in the morning...if you don't mind."

"Of course."

"I want you to stay here... from now on. Do whatever you want, but I won't have you working on the ranch anymore."

"But...I need money, I have to repay Mr. Wilder..."

"I'll provide for you until you're ready to leave, then we will figure it out.  For now,... your dad can't take you off this ranch unless it's over my dead body... Let's just relax a bit."

He laid down on the couch, trying his best to fit his large frame onto the space provided.

She walked down the hall and into the small bathroom.

White tile and an antique claw foot tub took up most of the space, leaving only enough room for the toilet and a small pedestal sink.

On the wall was a hook, and there hung a satin, white nightgown with a matching robe.

She lifted the nightgown down and studied it. The satin was soft and cool against her fingertips
She knew instantly Ruby had left it for her.

She unzipped her dress, swapping it for the nightgown on the hanger and hanging it up.

She slipped the nightgown over her frame, a blush creeping on her cheeks.

It was nearly sheer in color, the thin straps letting the top hang dangerously low, only a bit of lace covering her cleavage.
It fell to her ankles and ended with lace.

She pulled the matching robe on and tied it tightly around her waist. Then she slipped from the bathroom

She sprinted to the bed and dove under the covers, hoping Rex didn't see her. His snoring proved he didn't.


She was up and dressed back into her wedding dress the next morning when Rex awoke.

Coffee was made as well as food, and when he settled onto a stool, she slid a plate with eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of him.

"Thanks, I guess I should've got our things from the bunkhouse last night," He said, motioning at her dress.

"Oh, I...I like this dress," she said softly, her hand going to the delicate neckline.

"I didn't mean that to sound's nice but...not really meant for doing much in."

"I wasn't planning to do much today, I can get our things."

"That would be a big help."

He watched her busy herself in the kitchen a minute, then he spoke.

"Are you going to eat breakfast?"

"I already did."

"Oh, okay."

"Is something wrong?" She asked instantly, filled with worry and fear.

"No, I'm just not used to eating alone. I've been in the bunkhouse almost my entire life."

She didn't reply as he finished cleaning his plate. When he stood a little too quickly, she jumped, backing into the fridge.

He froze and then slowly put up his hands before walking to the door and getting his hat.
After putting on his hay and shrugging on his jacket, he turned back to her.

"If you get our things today and get them moved in, I would appreciate it. I'd like a shower tonight after dinner."

She gave a small nod but didn't move or reply as he exited the house.

Once he was gone, she felt herself relax. The cabin was cozy, and she did love it, but it was far too small for the two of them alone.
When he was gone, she could breathe easier.

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