chapter fifteen! ☆

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THE LUXURIOUS LOBBY OF THE HOTEL WAS BATHED IN GOLDEN LIGHT, WITH AN ENORMOUS CRYSTAL CHANDELIER HANGING FROM THE CEILING. Soft classical music was playing from somewhere, and Dave's footsteps echoed on the polished marble floors as he walked in.

Drinking it all in, Dave couldn't stop looking around, a bit stunned by the opulence.

Not bad for a three-star hotel.

The reception desk was right there in front of him, so he hastily fished his wallet out of his pocket and approached the desk.

The clerk pinned him with a fake smile. "Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I have a reservation under David Grohl?" he responded, a bit anxiously.

(There was a reason why he'd wanted Landry to wait in the U-HAUL, after all.)

Thankfully, the hotel clerk didn't seem to recognize who he was. "Can I see the ID and credit card you used to make the reservation, sir?"

Ready, Dave opened his wallet and handed over his ID and credit card.

With practiced efficacy, the clerk took the cards from him and scanned his information.

"I see you have a one-night reservation with us," said the clerk, staring at the big, boxy computer in front of him. "A single room?"

"Yes, that's right," he confirmed, his heart pounding hard in his chest now. "Uh, is there any chance that I can get a cot in that room or something?"

His hands were buried in his jacket, but he crossed his fingers: he already felt like a dick for asking.

Please say yes please say yes please say yes--

Expressionless, the clerk was already handing back his ID and credit card. "I'll see what I can do, sir."

"SO, UH, GOOD NEWS," Dave said later as he opened the door to the U-HAUL, "I got us upgraded to a deluxe suite instead of a single room."

Already opening her door to get out, Landry smiled at him. "That's great!"

Dave was a bit distracted. "Yeah, it is..."

Beaming, Landry was already climbing out of the U-HAUL, and they both went to collect their luggage from the back.

"WELL, WE HAVE THE REST OF THE AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT BEFORE WE HAVE TO GET BACK ON THE ROAD," Landry remarked as soon as they'd properly settled into the hotel room, "What do you suggest we do?"

The deluxe suite matched the grandeur of the lobby, and it was huge. They were standing rather awkwardly in the spacious bedroom after unloading their suitcases onto the two luxuriously fluffy, identical king-size beds: there was an enormous window that covered the length of a wall, looking out over downtown Roanoke, and Landry was captivated by the dozens of tiny grey buildings below. The elevator had taken them to the second-highest floor, they were high up.

(She'd never had this sort of luxury before. They'd even sent a complimentary charcuterie board up to their room.)

"We could go see that big ass star they have," Dave suggested mildly, nibbling at a cube of cheese from the charcuterie board.

Landry turned away from the window. "What?"

"Big ass star. Top of a mountain. Tourist thing."

"Oh, yeah..."


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