chapter thirty-one! ☆

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It was Friday morning, and after ransacking her closet, it became clear she desperately needed something nice to wear for her date with Dave that night. None of it fit the vibe she was envisioning, especially because she didn't know what the vibe was supposed to be in the first place, so for the first time in forever, Landry hopped on the bus and rode to the mall.

She never was one for the mall, partly because it had been Hope's thing to hang out there before dope, but mostly because it was overwhelming. She could feel the anxiety rising in her chest as she stepped through the front doors and was immediately met with crowds of people everywhere: in the food court, hanging out by the escalators, coming in and out of stores...Landry bit her lip.

But some things were worth pushing through for.

So she continued forward, looking around at all the stores she passed.

What am I looking for, anyway?

Unsure, she stepped inside of the first clothing store she saw and looked around.

Then she saw it.

A dress, hanging elegantly on a mannequin near the entrance, caught Landry's eye. It was a pale shade of pink, so pale it was flirting with the colour white, with delicate lace detailing along the neckline and hem. It seemed to shimmer under the harsh fluorescent lights of the store, calling out to her like a siren's song.

She felt a surge of excitement as she approached the dress, and she reached out and ran her fingers lightly over the fabric. It felt soft and luxurious, unlike anything she owned. How much was it?

She glanced at the price tag and immediately winced; it was more than she had ever intended to spend, even with her paycheque from the Blue Lounge gig.

But then she remembered Dave's smile, the way he had looked at her the last time they were together, and suddenly she knew she had to have it.

"Can I get a fitting room started for you?" a sales associate said, coming out of nowhere.

She nodded. "Yes, please."

Landry grabbed one of the duplicates of the dress off the rack and made her way to the fitting rooms, clutching the dress tightly in her hands.

As soon as she was inside the room, she slipped it on, feeling a thrill of anticipation as she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress fell shortly below her knees and hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her figure in a way that made her feel confident and beautiful. She hadn't felt this beautiful since Dave had kissed her for the first time. She had to have this dress.

"How's it looking?" said the same sales associate from outside. "Let me know if you need a second opinion."

"I really like it!" she called back, grinning at herself.

Landry turned away from the mirror, and, her heart pounding hard, opened the door to the sales associate, whose jaw dropped.

"That dress looks stunning on you," the sales associate — her name tag said Natalie —  said warmly. "It's like it was made for you."

Landry couldn't help but grin back, feeling a rush of happiness wash over her. She knew she had made the right choice.

"I think I'll get it," she said.

"WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE WHERE I'VE PICKED OUT?" Dave asked for the millionth time, staring hopelessly at the ceiling.

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