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I wake up, the crisp cool air flowing through the window and hitting my back. I pull my blanket further up onto me, groaning softly.

"mghh..." I groan. Turning over, my eyes meet his. He smiles at me.

"good morning." Chris says, his tone hushed. He clearly hasn't been awake for long, his hair's a mess. I laugh slightly and sit up, stretching and ruffling your hair, trying to fix it. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"morning." I respond bluntly, crawling out of bed sluggishly and opening your closet.

He laughs softly, "what are you doing?"

Shuffling through the closet, I take out one of your hoodies and pull it over my tee. "It's cold," I respond, confused by the temperature change. "It was warm yesterday."

I walk over to the window to close it, but the leaves catch my attention. Warm tones beginning to coat the trees and ground, I smile, the breeze lightly hitting my face.

"oh, cool!" Chris blurts from behind you, reaching for your shoulder and looking out the window. I lean into him slightly. "we should go outside," he mumbles, still staring outside.

"no way. it's way too cold."  I respond quickly, shutting the window and backing away from it.

"c'mon, it could be fun, it's the first day it actually looks like fall!" Chris complains.

I sigh. Rolling my eyes I walk out of the room, heading downstairs and grabbing my keys.

"I don't know how you convince me to do this shit." I mutter under my breath, opening the door, but he stops me. I turn around and give him a look, he tugs a beanie onto my head and I glare at him.

"don't want to get too cold."  Chris smirks, teasing you. I smile slightly and roll my eyes, heading outside.

We walk for a while, my hand is held tightly in his while his thumb runs over my skin slowly. I smile and sigh slightly, my breath visible in the air. He looks down at me.

"it's not so awful." he teases again, grinning. I nudge him and laugh softly. "You shut up." I quip, making him smile wider. I look up at him, my heart skips a beat as he looks down at me, his nose and cheeks tinged pink from the cold, freckles barely visible. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, I wonder what he's thinking.

"theres a coffee shop up here somewhere," he shoots.

"I could use some coffee." I smile up at him.

Arriving at the coffee shop, I take a deep breath, relieved by the sweet smells in the warm air. Chris brings back our drinks and food, sitting at a booth across from me.

"I assumed you'd be hungry, you haven't eaten yet." He grins, sliding over a baked croissant.

I take a deep breath and smile as the scent hits me, quickly taking a bite. "You know me so well. I'm always hungry." I crack, he laughs.

"This is really good."

We eat and gossip about anything, conversing about festivals and what our halloween costumes might be, wether or not halloween is supposed to be spooky or cozy.

"chris, I am NOT going to be casey becker. That's so boring, everyone does that."

"but we can match!! I'll be ghostf-"

"It's so generic!" I cut him off.

We laugh and eventually leave the cafe, heading home. I lean my head on his shoulder and walk slowly, watching our shoes as we step in sync, my fingers intertwined with his. Orange leaves brush past my feet, the wind tickling my ankles.

We arrive home and I unlock the door, Chris kissing my hair softly.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" he teases, smiling down at me.

"no, I guess not." I answer, smiling up at him, he leans down and kisses me softly before heading inside, ready to enjoy a comfortable evening of fall movies and blankets with Chris.

659 words 🎃
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