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"I'm hungry." Chris blurts completely out of nowhere, nearly making me lose my spot on the couch.

"Ok?" Matt asserted, receiving a chuckle from me. Chris pouts at his response and looks at me, knowing I can drive. I roll my eyes and get up, grabbing my keys. "Is anyone else coming?" I shoot, receiving distracted head nods from Matt and Nick who are way too focused on their movie. I scoff slightly with a grin and head towards the door, taking mental notes of the boys orders. Chris follows closely behind me as I head to the car, a bit too close. My face heats up slightly as I fumble with the keys, feeling his eyes on me. Getting into the drivers seat I hand Chris my phone and turn on the car, "want the aux?" You ask, quickly receiving an eager head nod.

"Where are we going?" I mumble, focused on successfully pulling out of the driveway.
"Wherever you want." He responds with a soft voice, his chin tucked into his palm as his elbow sits on the armrest. I can feel his eyes on me, even though we aren't dating, it still makes me nervous. There's no way I could tell him that though, I'm not ruining our friendship.
"Okay." You affirmed, occasionally glancing at Chris. "You tired?" I question, discreetly commenting on the way his eyes are half lidded, his eyes are glued to me, and the way he's resting on his seat. Or maybe I'm just not used to seeing him calm and I'm over-analyzing him, either way, all of those things making it ounces harder for me to focus on the road. "No," he answers, sitting up his seat and going on his phone, scrolling through songs. I nod back slightly and pull into the McDonalds drive-thru.

"Whaddaya want?"
He looks at the menu, lifting himself up out of his seat and dramatically reaching over me to order. I chuckle softly and push him slightly, noticing he got his energy back.
"Chris-" I start before he cuts me off, ordering our food. I roll my eyes and smile, trying to be normal about this. "You're suffocating me!" I groan dramatically as he finishes ordering, "move, move."
"Alright," he complies, falling back into his seat and laughing by himself as I pull up to the next window. "Sorry." A smile creeps onto my lips as I hear him apologize. When I reach the window I tug my wallet out of my pocket right before Chris reaches over again, holding out his phone for apple pay. "CHRIS." I smack his arm lightly after he pays and he whines dramatically. As he's frantically rubbing his arm, I grab the food and pull out of the drive-thru.

"Why did you do that?" I ask, slowing down to turn to him for a second.
"I dunno, to be nice." He flashes a goofy smirk and I grin slightly back.
"Well thank you, are we eating here or should we head home?" I question, looking at Chris and waiting for him to respond so I can park.
"I don't want them to get pissed, maybe we should just go back," he says, already shuffling through the bags to get his food. I nod and get back onto the road, the drive seeming longer than before due to the smell of food wafting in my face. When I pull into the garage I look at Chris, who's already eating. I sigh and unbuckle myself, relaxing back into my chair and pulling my food out of the bags. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "they can wait," I respond, bringing a smile to his face. "Okay."

As we're sitting in the car and eating our food together, I hum to Chris's music, making him grin. I catch him gazing at me and quickly wipe my lips, looking back at him. Taking a sip of my coke I hear my phone buzz, I glance at it for a second, but I ignore it. I look back at him, his head tilts slightly. "What?" I countered, smirking slightly. "You look pretty," he fesses up, the corners of his lips turning upwards. My heart skips a beat in surprise and I turn back to my food, taking another sip of my drink. "Bold." I shoot, trying to crack a joke to ease my nerves. He chuckles slightly and I smile, failing to hide my shyness. I shove my garbage into one of the empty bags he already created into a garbage bag and sit upright, sighing. "Should we go inside?" I breath out.
"In a minute," he hums. I nod slightly, watching as he shifts ever so slightly to get closer to me. I smile in response. I watch him closely, making sure I'm ready at any chance that he might just make a move. "They're probably hungry-" I mutter before Chris cuts me off, "I know." He brushes my hair out of my forehead and guides it behind my ear, somehow he's gotten this close to me without me even noticing. It's like magic. His breath fans over my face slightly and I look at him, ignoring the fact that my phone has been buzzing non-stop. As I'm fully preparing myself for a change in our relationship, Nick swings the garage door open looking unamused.

"(y/n.) What is taking you so long? I have been texting you for 20 MINUTES." I laugh softly, my heart pounding wildly at the thought that something might have just happened. I look at Chris, his expression pissed as he stares at Nick. I swallow quietly and grab onto all of the bags, turning off the car and rushing out to Nick. "Sorry, I was really hungry and Chris was already eating on the way back," I professed, giving him a guilty grin. With a soft shrug he takes the food and smiles at you, walking back inside. I turn back to Chris and he's getting out of the car. Besides being newly pissed at Nick for whatever reason, he smiles at you, walking past you inside. The way he acted with you in the car is only fueling what was already in you before.

Word count: 1033 🍔

This is longer than I expected I just got bored lol

Hope u like the update!! Feel free to comment whatever requests they keep me motivated <3

(Not proofread I have a headache sorry if there are any mistakes)

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