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I sit on the bed in our hotel, scrolling on my phone in my new bikini, waiting for everyone to get ready to go to the beach. Chris walks over to the window, overlooking the ocean and gazing outside, taking off his sunglasses, he looks at you.

"Hey," he says, his light blue eyes piercing into yours, flashing a goofy smile.

"Hey." I respond, turning to him and smiling back slightly.

He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. I turn off my phone to give him my full attention, setting it down next to me and grinning at him. His smile grows wider as he sees your reaction.

"You look absolutely stunning today." he teases, gently running his thumb along my wrist, holding my hand. Nick opens the door and tells us everyone's ready to go. Chris turns to face you again."Ready when you are, angel. Let's go have some fun!" he grins widely before standing up from the bed and stretching his arms above his head. I giggle softly and get up, grabbing my bag. I throw it over my shoulder and head out the door with Chris, he grabs my hand. Meeting up with Nick, Matt, and Madi we head out.

We all walk towards the car, chatting about nothing important and blasting music on the aux until we arrive at the beach.
The five of us walk towards the water, enjoying the sun on our skin and the waves crashing onto the shoreline. The hot sand under my feet as I lay down my towel. Chris kisses your cheek lightly and smiles at you before heading to the water with Nick and Matt, his freckles more visible in the sun than usual. I smile and lay down on my towel, sighing softly as the rays shine down onto me. Madi smiles and lays down on her towel beside you, pulling out her phone and starting to snap photos of the water, trying to capture the moment. I look at her phone and laugh, seeing Chris getting hit by a wave. "Oh my god, send that to me!" I barely get out between laughter, she chuckles and sends it to you, smiling brightly as I watch the waves crash against the beach. Enjoying the calmness of the evening, the sound of the ocean makes you feel even more relaxed than usual, chatting with Madi and watching the triplets in the water.

Chris notices us talking and walks over, sitting next to us in the sand.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here in the sun? You don't wanna come in the water?" he says with a grin, then smirking at you. He knows you don't like getting wet.

I glare at him. "Chris.." as soon as his smirk grows I know what he's gonna do. Chris looks at me and then wrap his arms around me, picking me up bridal style and rushing towards the water. "CHRIS!!" I yelp, wrapping my arms around his neck and looking down at the water. "Do NOT drop me." He smirks and tilts you slightly, teasing you. "Oh NO you don't," I say before we go under the water together, he starts laughing loudly as the cold water hits our bodies. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Chris quickly says, still laughing. "YOU DUMBASS." I say, splashing him and giggling softly, kicking the water at him. We laugh and continue to splash each other, I smirk, splashing water all over his face and escaping out of the water, laughing as I run back to Madi. I hear a faint "HEY!!" come from behind me.

"Dude. He's insane." I joke, completely out of breath as I sit back down next to Madi. "Get any good pictures?" I ask breathlessly. "Yeah," she shows me her phone, it's a picture of me splashing Chris, the sun shining and the ocean looking shiny and so beautiful. My eyes widen and I smile, it was perfect. "Woah, that's amazing!" I say to Madi, looking at her, then back at the picture. My cheeks start to burn.

"Send that to me?"

687 words 🌊
(sorry for the bad ending i'm tired 💀)

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