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(this was for a grade sorry if its bad lmao)

Chris closed the door behind him and headed to the living room, where the glow of the television and the hum of the A/C provided a comforting backdrop to his otherwise uneventful day. As he reached for the remote, however, the power suddenly went out, plunging the apartment into darkness. With a sigh, Chris got up and made his way to the bedroom, hoping to take a nap until the power was restored.
But as soon as he lay down, he heard a knock on his door. Chris frowned, wondering who would be knocking on his door during a blackout. "Who is it?" he called, not expecting an answer. But to his surprise, the voice on the other side of the door responded.
"It's me, your neighbor. My power is out too, and I was wondering if you had a spare flashlight I could borrow."
Chris hesitated for a moment before replying, "Sure, I can lend you a flashlight. I'm not sure how long the power will be out, though."
"That's okay," said the voice on the other side of the door. "I just need to check on something. I'll bring it back as soon as I'm done."
Chris opened the door to reveal his next-door neighbor, who introduced herself as (y/n). He handed her a flashlight and watched as she made her way down the hall towards her own apartment.
After a few minutes, the reader returned, handing Chris his flashlight back. "Thank you so much for lending me the flashlight," she said with a smile. "It really helped."
Chris nodded, happy to have been able to help. "No problem," he replied. "It's times like these that we have to stick together. Did you lose power too?"
(Y/n nodded, explaining that she had just moved in next door a few weeks ago. "And I haven't had a chance to meet anyone in the building yet."
"Well, now you've met me," Chris said with a smile.
"That's true," (y/n) replied with a smile. "And I'm looking forward to getting to know you and the rest of the neighbors better."
As they continued talking, Chris realized that he had been missing out by not getting to know his neighbor sooner. The blackout had given him the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone he hadn't. One evening, as he was coming home from work, he ran into (y/n) in the hallway.
"Hi, Chris!" (y/n) smiled, recognizing him from their first encounter. "It's nice to see you again. How are you doing?"
Chris smiled back. "I'm doing well, thanks. How about you?"
"I'm good too," (y/n) said. "I just moved in a few weeks ago. It's been a bit of an adjustment, but I'm getting used to the neighborhood."
Chris nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it. Do you need any help with anything?"
"Actually," (y/n) said, "I was just about to go down to the mailroom to grab my mail. Do you mind if I join you?"
"Of course not," Chris said. "I'd be happy to keep you company."
They made their way down to the mailroom, chatting along the way. As they sorted through their mail, they started talking about their jobs, their hobbies, and their interests. They discovered that they had a lot in common, and the conversation flowed easily.
As they were leaving the mailroom, Chris turned to you. "It was great meeting you, (y/n). Can I see you again sometime?"
You blushed. "I'd like that, Chris. Can I give you my phone number?"
Chris smiled and pulled out his phone. "Absolutely. Let's exchange numbers."
They exchanged phone numbers, and as they said their goodbyes, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had a feeling that he might have just met the woman of his dreams.

My HW 😕 (I got a 100%!)

Y'all this is so funny I did this for a grade in class but I felt like posting it here just bc LOL

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Y'all this is so funny I did this for a grade in class but I felt like posting it here just bc LOL . there's like a whole nother part to it that I didn't include so if u want that I can add it 💀

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