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(sorry for not updating!) 🪽

As I squeeze into my tight black dress, Matt zips me up from behind. His eyes catch mine in the mirror in front of me and I smile, making him smile back.

"You almost ready?" Matt murmurs, his breath lightly fans over your neck and he places his chin on your shoulder, resting it there as he looks up at you.

"Yeah, almost" I say softly, leaning into the counter and swiping lipstick over my now rum-tinted lips. Putting the cap back on, I catch Matt's eyes on me, the corners of his lips turn upwards as I look in his direction, "grab the keys."

He grins wider and heads out the bathroom door, "yes ma'am" he mutters under his breath, receiving a giggle from me. I mess with my (hair/color) hair until it falls nicely at my shoulders. I grab my phone off of the counter as I walk out of the bathroom, heading downstairs to meet up with the boys.

"(Y/nnn)!" Nick drags out with a grin, I twirl so everyone can see my whole outfit. "Beautiful," Matt smiles, the keys latched to his belt and his hands tucked into his pockets, "let's go." You and the triplets head out the door, "I get the aux!!" Chris shouts. I roll my eyes and chuckle, heading to the backseat next to Nick. I look at Matt, who's already looking at you, in the rear view mirror.

I tug my seat belt over the silk of my dress, clicking it in and Matt starts driving. As we reach the party, he grabs onto my hand and proudly leads me inside, the air heavy with the saccharine scent of champagne. I scan the crowd, looking for a familiar face to chat with. Matt nudged me and pointed to Sabrina Queseda and Oliver Blank, drawing a smile to my face. "Hey, they just started their new podcast, we should congratulate them," he whispers. I look up at him and nod, walking in front of him to meet up with my friends. Feeling a rush of adrenaline from all of the people, I talk to Sabrina's friends as well. Mingling with new people, Matt seemed pleased and excited for me, until I noticed a change in his bearing.

Late at night, as the party ends and we start heading home, Matt's face looks more somber than usual. I get out of the car and Matt and I head to his room, as I'm changing out of my clingy dress and pulling my aching feet out of my heels, I look up at him. "Hey, are you okay?" I blurted quietly, tugging one of his t-shirts over my head. He only shrugged, "it's nothing." I could tell by the tone in his voice something was bothering him, but I didn't want to push it. I dropped the subject and crawled into bed next to him, "okay," I responded quietly, smiling up at him "love you." "Love you too," he whispers, I drift off quickly before him.

The next morning, I stir slightly in my sleep and get up, stretching and noticing Matt isn't by my side. I tug my hair up loosely with the rubber band that clung to my wrist. As I head out into the hallway, I peek into the bathroom, my face lighting up as I catch Matt's gaze. "Hey," I breath out, walking over to him with a smile as he brushes his teeth. "Hey," he says after spitting out his toothpaste, "can we talk?" I'm taken back a bit, but I willingly agree, "what's up?"

Matt took a deep breath before speaking, looking away and then back at you. "I'm just feeling a bit on edge after last night. I was hesitant to say anything, but," I raise an eyebrow as he speaks. "I felt like you were talking to that guy for too long. I couldn't even hear what you were talking about." Surprised, I stare at him, "what guy?"

"You know who. You talked to him for 30 minutes." He says blankly.

I sigh softly and scoff slightly, he doesn't receive it well. "Matt, I don't even know the guy's last name. I thought you brought me to meet new people?"

"It seemed like you were having more fun with him than you were with me," he says under his breath.

I catch onto his jealousy and grin slightly, "That wasn't my intention." He looks at me. "And that's definitely not true. I wouldn't have even been there last night if it wasn't for you." Matt's face lights up a bit and he places his hands on my waist, sliding them to the small of my back. "Are you sure?" he says softly. I lean up and peck his lips lightly before nodding, his mood lifting and the tension easing. He gave me a grateful smirk before leaning down, kissing my lips again, deeper than before. I place my hand on his cheek and my free hand on his shoulder, smiling into the kiss. From that moment on, he kept me on him at every party we went to together, and I graciously complied.

request by: @mrkrabslover (LOL) I hope u enjoyed!

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