car video

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(Sorry I haven't updated in a while I hope this makes up for it🤘)

You and the triplets are in the van, Matt and Chris in the front, (Matt driving of course), and you and Nick in the back.

"Matt I'm TIRED OF THIS SONG!!" I shout after he turns on It's Getting Hot by NLE Choppa, "Pass me the aux!" I complain.

"After this one!" He yaps back, I roll my eyes and Nick laughs at me. After two long minutes of shake that monkey I finally get the aux and turn on PORTALS. As Nick and I jam out to void, we pull up to the McDonalds drive-thru and order.

We pull into the parking lot and I dig through the paper bag, grabbing my fries as Chris sets up the camera. He walks around to my side after checking to make sure we're all in the shot, opening the car door to see me.

"You good to be in this video?" He asks, searching your eyes for any discomfort.

I smile and nod, "Of course."

"Okay." He smiles, leaning down to kiss you softly before heading back to his seat. I grin and feel my face burning up, I close the car door beside me. As I turn to look at the blonde boy next to me, he's already making a face. I roll my eyes and he chuckles, widening my grin.

"Matt shut the fuck up-" I hear, looking up at the front seats and quickly slapping Chris's shoulder.

"Chris." I spit firmly.

"Whaaaat??" he complains.

I giggle, not surprised that they're already fighting.

As we're recording a q&a, Nick scrolls through the questions and I look with him, peeking over his phone.

"Bro what," I mutter blankly, looking at all of the weird questions, "There's nothing fun."

"I know," Nick adds in, growing frustrated as he scrolls through them.

"I found one!" Matt chimes in, I immediately lift my head and reach over to him, "What, what is it??"

"What is the best date you've been on?" Matt reads, looking up at everyone.

"I can tell you about the worst date i've been on," Nick scoffs, making us all laugh.

"y/n?" Chris smirks, turning to look at you.

"The best date i've been on... hm.." I take a sip of my coke, "probably the time Chris asked me to be his girlfriend." I smile, looking at him and seeing his grin spread from ear to ear. A few months ago, after weeks of nervous anticipation, Chris finally mustered up the courage to ask
you/(y/n) out on a date. To his surprise, you enthusiastically agreed. He didn't know that you had kept your feelings to yourself as well.

"Awww how cute." Nick rolls his eyes and scoffs, making you giggle.

When we finally finish filming the video, we drive home and head inside, enjoying a night in watching transformers and snacking on whatever's in the kitchen as the rain patters against the windows.

I look over at Nick, "Hey, cut that out of the video, will you? I don't want them to know about me and Chris yet." He nods slowly, eyes glued to the tv.

I rub my eyes and tap my phone, watching the time light up.

1:44 AM

I groan and rub my forehead, leaning against Chris's shoulder and trying to keep my eyes open.

"Honey, you look tired," He mumbles, looking down at you and running a hand through your (h/c) hair. He eyes Nick and Matt before lifting you up, carrying you up the stairs. I wrap my legs around his waist and cling to his shirt, smiling slightly. Your usually bright eyes were heavy with fatigue, and Chris could tell you could use a nap.

Chris lays you down on his bed and crawls in next to you, watching the corners of your mouth turn upward. I shift myself up against him and tug his blanket over us. I look up at Chris and catch him already looking down at me, my face heating up a bit.

"I love you," he smiles.

"Love you," I mumble, smiling back up at him, I close my eyes. Chris runs his hand up my neck, into my hair, pulling myself against him. I tuck my head into his neck and quickly drift off, him not long after.

A few days later, it's now Friday. I'm sitting in Chris's bed, scrolling on my phone. My lips curl into a smile as I get the notification that @sturniolo.triplets posted on instagram. I immediately tap it and scroll through the Friday photo dump, giggling at the funny pictures of Chris being stupid and gas station selfies. As I click on the comments to see whatever weird shit Chris said, I notice something new. I read through them, my eyes widen as I see one particular comment.

"Omg, I can't believe we couldn't tell (y/n and Chris were dating 💀"

My heart skips a beat, and I stand up, fumbling over my own feet and running to Nicks room.

I swing the door open, catching him at his desk,

"Nick." I say firmly.

"What? What's wrong?" He turns around and takes off his headphones, eyes coated with concern.

"How do they know??" I rush over to him and show him the comments, chewing my lip.

"....Did you want me to cut it out?" he questions, looking at you with a wobbly smile.

I stare at him, he wasn't listening to me last night.

"you have five seconds."

He grins and gets out of his chair, running out of the room as quick as possible, shuffling down the stairs, his voice shrill as he hears me storming down after five short seconds. I grin and chase after him, tumbling down the stairs and scooping a pillow off the couch, speeding at him, my arms raised up. Chris stares at us from the kitchen, confused, he rushes over and grabs me. I scoff as he pulls the pillow from my hands, Nick quickly rushing off.

"What are you doing?"

"Everyone knows about our relationship, Nick left it in." I say quietly, catching my breath.

After a moment of silence and a deep sigh from him, he speaks.

"That's fine." he mutters.

I look up at him, he flashes me a generous smile.

"Really?" I beam.

"Really. I was thinking about being more open about it anyways, it's been a while." His smile grows even wider when he sees mine, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and leaning down to kiss me, redamancy evident from both of us. From then on, we won't have to keep it a secret anymore.

Word count: 1070 (did I redeem myself? 😈)


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