❀Daddy Issues❀

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"Why is he so uncomfortable around you capt'n?" Kwazii whispered, "He has.... Family issues, Kwazii. Sometimes people don't feel comfortable around some others." Barnacles stated softly, Peso had just joined the Octonauts, he was.... Quiet to say the least.

Peso was relatively good at his job, he was one of the best. Though he didn't talk much, only to his patients.

He had issues.... O

"You piece of shit child!" A horrible man yelled out, glass was shattering, Pogo and Pinata stayed hidden, Peso was in fact, the smallest of the family, almost considered a 'mutt', he was crying, begging for help.

His mom just sat and watched, begging him to stop hurting her baby, but to no avail she shut her mouth.

It had been a few hours, Peso was forced to clean his own blood, clean his own cuts and wounds, covered in glass from beer bottles. The beer residue making it burn ten times more.

This occurred daily, day and night, when nobody was around them, Peso's father was a monster. Peso had endured this for years. His mom had enough and divorced him, but the damage had already made its permanent mark.

Pinto came around a few years later, along with another terrible man. This time, Peso had ran away from it.

He grabbed his bag full of essentials, medkit, food, water, etc. The winters were unnaturally too cold for him this time.

Days. 20 days. He was far from home. His food was gone. But, a girl had shouted his way, "HEY! ARE YOU OKAY?!" A girl with a slight mix of an Australian and American accent called. A group of people followed behind.

"Are you okay? You look beaten and malnourished..." A peculiar pirate accent asked. "Oh... Yeah I'm fine. I'm just looking for somewhere to stay." Peso replied tiredly. "Why don't you stay with us for a while? Barnacles suggested.

Peso was stuck in his thoughts. Remembering how he had left his little brother Pinto behind. He was tearing up until- "Pesoooo??" Kwazii called. "Huh?" Was all Peso could say, "You okay...? You seem.... Like you're dissociating..." Kwazii went to place his hand on Peso's shoulder, "Don't touch me!" Peso sharply pushed him away.

Captain was about to say something, he had fucked up and said the worst thing possible. "Hey, Peso why don't you talk about your family, other than your mom and little brother-" Peso had about slapped him. But instead he replied. "Because those abusive assholes don't deserve to be talked about!" not realizing that he had shouted this out. In his home. His mother, siblings, and the other Octonauts listening.

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