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QUICK NOTE: This time this will be in POVs. Ok with the story you angst hungry fuckers. Also huge trigger warning for overdose.

Peso POV
I've been struggling like hell lately, and with that I've been depending on Kwazii more than usual. I think he's catching on...

"Peso! Me matey, how're do you doing today...?" Kwazii knocked on my door, I was just beginning to wake up as he knocked on my door.

"I'm fine Kwaz..." I replied back, more tired than yesterday. Here lately I've been getting more and more exhausted...

Kwazii gave me a soft smile before he handed me a cup of tea and left the room, Captain must've sent him..

Honestly, I'm too tired to care, nothing important has happened, so I guess they don't need me. But okay then.

Kwazii POV
I'm a bit worried if my matey Peso, he hasn't been out of bed in weeks....

Is he sick? Me granddad has a recipe for sickness, but he isn't coughing...so...what's wrong with him..?

After I had handed Peso some tea I left the room...he doesn't look happy anymore...did I do something wrong...? Did I hurt him? Am I being mean? What Peso? What...?

"Captain...He still isn't out of bed..." I uttered, only earning a soft grunt from Captain Barnacles...the rest of the team was out and exploring.

"Is it my fault?" I wondered, unbeknownst to myself, I had asked that out loud, and Captain sighed, "No Kwazii. It's not. But...we need to figure out what's wrong with Peso."

Peso POV
I stared at the antidepressants on my desk. Still in bed, I started to let my thoughts wander.. Should I overdose...? No! You can't! What about Kwazii? My sister? My brothers?

But soon enough Kwazii came back into the room, an impulsive request escaped me... "Kwazii? Can you hand me six of those antidepressants?" Kwazii after hearing what I asked went pale but shakily took the bottle.

"Aren't you only supposed to take 2...? Can't these hurt you..?" Kwazii cautiously held the polls in his hand and approached me, there was no going back now.

"No, just hand me them." "But Peso-" "Give them to me!" I snapped and took the pills, downing them with water and going back to bed...I spent hours asleep, but...

After a while,

I didn't feel anything at all. I was dead.

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