Chapter 13

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After sneakily following the army, we were eventually led to an abandoned warehouse a few miles inside one of the towns.

We got off our animals and quietly followed the army. We had to act quick and fast. We all quietly shushed each other, arming ourselves and sneakily walking into the dark warehouse.

As we walked in, we were in almost pure darkness as walking underneath on the first level of the warehouse. We stayed up against the wall to stay out of sight.

We then spotted some soliders on guard leaning on one of the pillars. We all quietly snuck up behind one, quickly ambushed them all.

"Guys up here!" We then look up spotted Salem struggling in the net crying out from above.

"Salem!" We yelled out. "Salem! Don't move, we're gonna get you down!" Levi yelled as we ran to go help her. "Oh don't worry, I won't be anytime soon!" Salem joked back.

The guys stayed on guard and cut the ropes, releasing Salem from the rope trap, while me and Thalia helped her out of it.

We quickly ran up to the others locked on the railing, We freed her "Thana and Thalia to the rescue!" She smirked, Levi just shook his head while rolling his eyes.

She hugged us all. "Alright, let's get out of here." I instructed. We were all about to run when we heard the Raptors barking, along with Dr.Blanc cackling.

"How lucky could a man be!" Dr.Blanc laughed. We all gasped and got into combat.

"I get to destroy the Sullivan kids and the Dean kids as well." Dr.Blanc grinned.
"In your dreams!" Salem yelled.

"Give up Sullivans! You're out numbered!" Dr.Blanc instructed.

"There may be only 6 of us, but we can still take care of you guys." I argued back.

We all started to back up as they started walking toward us. Until BOOM! An explosion goes off. We then looked up to see the whole village, along with our parents charge in.

"ATTACK!" Beau commanded as the crowd roared and began charging.

"DESTROY THEM!" Dr.Blanc howled.

Me and the others ran yelling into the crowd and began fighting them off.

I jumped down and stabbed a guy in the stomach with my machete.

One of the soliders shot at Levi, but he shot him just in time before he could shoot one of us.

Another solider who immediately began to run at me, when I was about to shoot, Archie jumped in and pulled me behind him while he grabbed him, throwing him over his head and shooting him down.

Me and Archie jumped back, I pulled my bat out and started whacking guys left and right.

"RELEASE THE RAPTORS!" We then suddenly heard Dr.Blanc yelled, we then all turned and saw the Raptors charging in and killing people off one by one. We tried to fire at them but they just moved so quickly so it was hard to get a good aim.

Soon enough, there were too many guys coming toward us and the raptors started to surround us. Me and the others along with our parents were suddenly backed up to darkness.

The soliders had us surrounded. We've been defeated and we're now about to face our ultimate death as Raptor food. We all looked at each other, basically giving ourselves our last goodbye. I then took Archie's hand and looked at him, we smiled sadly as we braced the Raptor take down.

We then watch as the Raptors charge, I felt my body close shut to protect myself about to be eaten, when we they suddenly, just ran past us,

We all just looked at each other confused, as we then watched them run back out and straight past us again and out the destroyed opening.

We all just watch in shock as they ran off. "What..just happened?" Salem flabbergasted.

"I don't know..they just..left?" I said back.

"WHERE DID MY RAPTORS GO?" Dr.Blanc screams.

All falls silent, when we feel the ground begin the shake. We all slowly turn around to see two glowing eyes and the sound of a loud bellow.

We all begin to quiver and gasp as we see the head of this large, tattered and old T-Rex...blinded in both eyes.

"Big Buck." Jett mutters.

Big Buck then does this loud deep roar blowing us all away.

"RUN!!!!!!" Salem screams. We just all bolt, all we were worried about was getting out of there as fast as possible.

While we ran we heard screams and munching as Buck smashed people and crunched them in his mouth.

We all ran as fast possible while trying to get away.


"WE GOTTA BLOW HIM UP!" Jett screamed.

As we were sprinting, I came up with an idea, I remembered the grenades Levi found the other day.  "The grenades" I mumbled.

I looked over to Levi, "LEVI! THE GRENADES!"
I screamed to him.

"WHAT?" He yelled. "THROW THE GRENADES INTO HIS MOUTH!" I replied back.

He grabbed the grenades off of his belt. "ON MY COUNT!" I instructed him.

He nodded as he grabbed the grenades. "TAKE COVER!" I shooed everyone, they all jumped behind crates and hid. I stopped and pulled my bow out, ready to fire.

"NOW!" I yelled to Levi.

I watched Levi pull the tags and throw the grenades mid run. I took my aim, and shot the grenades into Big Buck's mouth.

Before I could see it get into his mouth, I was met with flames, and being airborne into the air.
Everything went white. After a few seconds, all I could hear was ringing, and the blurry sight of orange and yellow. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was paralyzed.

I then saw a figure coming toward me my hearing slightly came back a bit. It was Archie screaming for my name, and letting everyone know he found me.

He looked so panicked. He ran to me and picked me up in his arms and held my hand. "Thana, you're going to be ok! Stay with me babygirl!" He cried.

I saw as the others gathered around me and tried to help me. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" He cried.

I watched as I saw Thalia and Salem run off.
"You're going to be ok Thana. Stay with me. I love you." He cried.

Then, everything went dark.

Did I.. die?

To be continued...

OMG Thank you guys for reading! I can't wait to write the next book<3

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