Mt Moon - Part 4

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Gravelers watched the battle from the edge of their outcropping, shooting each other nervous glances. Yet, their curiosity couldn't stop them from teetering on the edge as they strained to get a good view. All except one who was huddling behind a stalagmite far away from the edge. He peered out from around the stalagmite occasionally only to quickly duck back when ever a loud sound was made. As Machoke's furious roar bellowed out around the cavern the Graveler ducked down and covered his round body with his four granite coated arms. Welling in his eyes, tears began to bubble up and he buried his face into the ground. Eventually the roar stopped, followed by the crashing of the wild Machop's body through the stalagmite below. All the other Gravelers began chattering excitedly, clicking their stone teeth as they jostled back and forth. As a group they began tumbling down the steep face of the out cropping, leaving Graveler on his own.

"Gra-Graveler?" He whimpered out, lifting up his head and shakily peering out.

He saw them all gone and a panic spread over his face. In a frightened frenzy, he rushed to the edge of the out cropping and looked over the edge. Breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the others rolling around the cavern floor, shovelling the shards of rock left behind by the Machop's fight. As the panic subsided it quickly rushed back as he realised how close he was to the edge. With a shrill gasp he shuffled back, his wide flat feet making pebbles fall down the steep face. He lay down low, barely peeking his eyes over the edge. As he did he spotted Green and Willis looking over the injured wild Machop. Immediately he shot his head up and leaned forwards, his eyes sparkling with awe as he admired her. His gaze fell onto her thighs, her skirt only covering the very top of them. A confused expression flashed across the Gravelers face, the way he was looking at Green, he'd never looked at a human like that before. Although it confused him, he couldn't help himself but stare. As if without thinking Graveler took a step forward off the steep ledge of the cliff. Suddenly his gaze wasn't on Green anymore but the fast approaching cavern floor. With wide, terror filled eyes Graveler tucked his arms and feet in to make himself a ball. Just in time to roll down the ledge and out onto the cavern floor. Rolling out of control, he rolled out much further than his now bewildered looking peers had. As he came to a stop he stayed tucked in, the fast rolling making him nauseous. However, he quickly snapped out of that when he felt something warm and soft press against his face. He opened his eyes, expecting to see the cavern roof above him but instead he was greeted with the sight of Green's black panties and bare ass as she sat on top of him. In a panic, he immediately began flailing and threw Green from him.

"What the hell?!" Green exclaimed as she was thrown to the floor.

A little dazed and on her back, she grabbed her head and felt it for cuts. Feeling none, she sat up and was met with a scared looking Graveler. What was originally going to be an outburst of anger was instead quelled by the sympathy she felt for the scared pokémon.

"Hey... it's okay sweetie," she cooed soothingly as she slowly crawled closer to him, "I'm sorry, I thought you were a rock." She explained apologetically.

However, as Green crawled towards him Graveler couldn't focus on anything but the view down her loose shirt of her breasts. Bouncing gently with each little movement Green made. While being completely infatuated, Graveler was also terrified. He had only meant to just watch Green from afar up the cliff but now he was so close that the details he could see before were even more clear to him. A warmth rushed over his body as his heart raced. With no warning, a slit opened up on his crotch and two fleshy cocks flopped out. Graveler's eyes widened and the fear he had felt only got worse as he watched Green's face go from warm and caring to shocked and confused.

"Two... cocks?" Green stammered out, recoiling slightly as she watched them twitch independently of each other.

An insatiable curiosity overcame her, she had never even thought about what a Graveler cock might look like but now that she could see them they looked good. Oddly simmilar to a human's cock except a little bit more slimy. She timidly reached out for them, stopping just before them as she checked Graveler's reaction.

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