Vermilion City - Part 10

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Hours later, after the sun had set and the warmth in the air had been replaced by a nipping chill a brilliant fire blazed. Its flames danced and whipped with the gentle night breeze, illuminating the surrounding camp is not just light but a soothing warmth. A leg of ham was hanging above the flames, skewered on the snapped off branch of a tree. The flames licked at the meat, searing the skin, boiling the fat and toughening the meat within. Surrounding the fire, the trunks of trees that Graveler had toppled lay, serving as seats. Surge sat on one, lounging back with Darcy on his lap. His hand was planted firmly on their stomach, caressing the firm muscles gently. They both laughed happily, joking with Abby who sat across from them on her own log. Abby was dressed in some of the new clothes Green had bought for her. A small, white crop top with a pokéball symbol on the front and a fresh pair of denim shorts free of tears or stains. Dratini was coiled around her neck, basking in the warmth of the fire lazily, oblivious to the world around him. Graveler was closer to the fire than any of them. He was sat so close that the flames licked at his stone skin. The heat must have been intense but it didn’t seem to bother him as he let the warmth soothe his exhausted muscles. Meanwhile, Mankey sat alone in the branches of a nearby tree sulking. He’d made a small nest from sticks, leaves and feathers he’d found lying about. He was tucked up in it, staring seethingly out at the meadow. His eyes were locked onto the field of flowers. Away from the rest of the group, Machoke was still in his hut, cross-legged and eyes shut firmly. A vein pulsed in his temple, throbbing as he strained to sense the rock-type energy around him. Green was knelt before him, watching him with a concerned look. Machoke slammed his fist against the ground and let out a frustrated sigh. Green leaned forward and placed a hand on his thigh.

“You’ve done enough for today,” She assured him gently, “come on, let’s go join the others, there’s meat there waiting for you.”

Machoke gave her a reluctant look. Green sensed the bruise to his ego, knowing the feeling all too well herself now. She scooted forward and kissed him softly, placing both hands on either of his thighs.

“Learning something new takes time, don’t let it get you down okay?” Her voice was sweet and gentle, whispering against his lips.

Machoke grasped her waist and pressed his forehead against hers. He pulled her up onto his lap.

“Machoke…” He sighed, a smile forcing its way onto his lips.

Green giggled and grasped his shoulders, sitting up straight as she straddled him. She moved a hand up to his neck, over his jaw and onto his cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

“If you want, I’ll make you feel a whole lot better tonight,” She said with a sly grin.

Machoke’s small smile grew larger. He chuckled and gave her hips a squeeze.

“Oh, you like that idea?” Green prodded his chest playfully.

Machoke nodded, eyeing her breasts hungrily. Green hopped off Machoke’s lap, swinging her leg over him. She stood up and pointed over to the campfire.

“You better get going then huh?” She smirked as Machoke immediately got up.

“Machoke!” He exclaimed and hurried back over to the others.

He sat down beside Abby, who greeted him happily. Darcy stiffened in surge’s lap, trying their best not to stare at Machoke. Their eyes still found themselves wandering to gaze at his powerful muscles, however. Green sat down beside Machoke a little stiff herself. Now that they were where Surge and Darcy could see them, she felt a bit hesitant to be physical with him. Even though she desperately wanted to cuddle up to him. Instead, she sat up straight on the leg, her hands in her lap.

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